主页 > 机械机电 > PLC >


来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16315823 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315823

摘  要
Speed redulation system power,stability,good dynamic performance is industeial automation production in the basic requirements. The process of motor control system is complicated ,with uncertainty,so the system requirements for more advance control technology and contol theory. In many areas of modern society, the speed control system has a very important position, especially in the automotive, machinery, metallurgy, petroleum and other industries. This design mainly byPLC,frequency converter,A/Dconverter,D/Aconverter,touch screen,sensors motor and several parts. The working process of the design is the first use of A computer will be sent to the digital quantity PLC.PLC in transmitted to D/A converter,after conversion,D/A converter output analogue to the frequency converter(0-5voltage),through the inverter control motor worck, from sensor detector will speed the speed analogue transmission to the A/D converter, through the converse on output the digital quantity of PLC, in PLC in the PID regulation more accurate form A closed loop negative feedback control system.Through the tough to sreeen to montitor system. PLC-based control of frequency control system, convenient for users to control the operation of industrial equipment, and the current use of PLC control inverter has been quite extensive, it uses software to replace the original relay, soft starter, reducing contact between the contacts , which can improve the control system security and stability.This design with PLC and inverter is given priority to in industrial applications is very extensive and very practical value.
Keywords: PLC; frequency converter; A/Dconverter; D/Aconverter 


第一章 绪论    1
1.1课题的意义    1
1.2 PLC的应用领域    1
1.3 变频调速的发展    3
第二章 应用器件介绍    6
2.1 PLC的应用    6
2.1.1 PLC的基本特点    6
2.1.2 PLC的基本结构    7
2.1.3 PLC的工作原理    9
2.1.4  PLC的分类    11
2.1.5 PLC的接入方式    12
2.1.6 PLC编程    13
2.2 A/D转换器 D/A转换器的作用与原理    15
2.3 变频器的选择与参数设置    17
2.3.1变频器的分类    17
2.3.2 变频器的选择    18
2.3.3 变频调速原理    20
2.3.4 变频器的工作原理    20
2.3.5 变频器的控制方式    20
2.3.6 变频调速的主要发展方向    21
2.3.7 变频器的快速设置    22
2.4 三相异步电动机以及它的几种调速方式    22
2.5 触摸屏作用与工作原理    24
2.6 PID的作用    25
第三章 总体组合电路的设计    26
3.1 总体结构设计图    26
3.2 设计器件的选用    26
3.3 开环控制的PLC程序    28
3.4闭环的程序设计以及源程序    32
3.5 DA转换器的设计    37
3.6 触摸屏的设计    37
3.7 本章小结    38
第四章 实验调试和数据分析    39
4.1 PID算法    39
4.2 PID调节程序    41
4.3  PID 参数整定    42
4.4 运行结果    43
4.5 本章小结    46
总结    47
参考文献    48
致谢    50
