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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16315830 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315830


The renovation of the road surface detection device for the rapidness development laid a solid foundation for the construction of road infrastructure and one of the world's highest road construction speed is exalted in our country, and the corresponding is rutting test instrument of high precision and easy. The rut test system based on s7-1200plc is an automatic product with mechanical precision processing technology, data collection and real-time control technology for measuring the stability of asphalt. It is found that the current rut test system has poor real-time control, low automation level and high price. The rut test system designed by us adopts PLC control to realize real-time observation of experimental data and experimental equipment. It adopts PLC control, have convenient operation, easy to implement, the advantages of high measuring precision, in the whole rutting system in line with the expected requirements of the design process, the principle of saving resource cost, satisfy the real need to use in real life and meet the national standards for the quality of road construction detection. Rutting test system operating in a solid test rack, on the premise of laboratory conditions allow, simulated outdoor summer high temperature hot and humid weather, using PID control to control the whole experimental equipment environment temperature of 60 degrees Celsius.
Key words: automation, PLC, rut test, temperature control

2.1 车辙测试系统的实验要求
根据实验指导任务书,要求沥青试验样品要在恒温室内进行测试,恒温室温度保持在60  0.5℃.实验中需要完成钢轮和汽车轮胎两种测试,两种轮胎参数如下:
外径尺寸:Φ203.2mm,宽度47mm。        竖向加载载荷:705 4.5N。
碾压方式:以正弦方式碾压。                往返速度:50次/min。
轮胎压强:600 30KPa。                  滚动载荷:5000 50N。
碾压速度:60次/min 6次/min。             轮胎距离试样距离:410 5mm
5000mm×180mm×50mm或5000mm×180mm×100mm,所有尺寸偏移量不超过 2mm,能承受住测试环境,不变形。


摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪论    1
1.1课题研究背景    1
1.2课题研究意义    1
1.3 国内外发展现状    2
第二章  S7-1200PLC车辙测试系统总体设计要求    3
2.1 车辙测试系统的实验要求    3
2.2 车辙测试系统的设计要求    3
2.2.1 变形量测量要求    3
2.2.2 温度测量要求    3
2.2.3数据采集要求    3
2.2.4 试验架要求    4
2.3  PLC的选型    4
2.3.1输入输出点的估算    4
2.3.2 存储器大小估算    5
2.3.3 PLC机型的选择    5
2.3.4 PLC接线图    6
2.4 传感器的选型    6
2.4.1位移传感器的选型    7
2.4.2温度控制装置    8
2.5 光电开关的选型    8
2.6  三相异步电动机的选型    9
2.6.1选型方法    9
2.7 步进电机的选型    10
2.8 变频器的选型    10
第三章  S7-1200PLC车辙测试系统总体方案设计    12
3.1 车辙测试系统的控制原理    12
3.2 车辙测试系统控制系统设计流程图    13
3.3 车辙测试系统控制系统设计过程    14
第四章  S7-1200PLC车辙测试系统的外围设备    16
4.1 控制装置    16
4.2 安全电路    16
4.3 气流系统    17
4.4 恒温浴    17
第五章  S7-1200PLC车辙测试系统程序设计    18
5.1 PLC编程简介    18
5.2  PLC程序设计步骤    19
5.3 车辙测试系统动作流程    19
5.4 车辙测试系统的梯形图设计    20
5.4.1钢轮实验程序设计    20
5.4.2 汽车轮实验程序设计    22
5.5程序调试和运行结果    23
5.5.1钢轮实验调试    23
5.5.2汽车轮胎实验调试    26
总结    28
参考文献    29
致谢    30
