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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16315831 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315831

摘 要
关键字:烟气排放连续监控系统  PLC 设计  脱硝 自由口通信

Denitrification emissions monitoring system PLC control system design
NOx emission of coal-fired thermal power plant (NOx) is one of the main components of atmospheric pollution caused by emissions, how to effectively control the coal NOx is critical in our country and even the world in the field of energy saving and emission reduction solution. In this paper, the NOx emissions monitoring system as the subject background, discusses the development process of data acquisition and transmission based on the continuous emission monitoring. Completed the main PLC control and data acquisition project.
First introduced the measurement requirements related to NOx emission monitoring system of national standards and system, current situation of denitration technology and the application of the principle of denitration technology. Secondly introduces the corresponding hardware models should be used, including the realization of peristaltic pump, pump, fault alarm, reverse blowing module, each software module, and use PLC for data acquisition DeNOx emissions related detection parameters. Finally, the basic principle of communication between PLC and PC is briefly introduced, the free port initialization procedures.

Keywords:  Continuous Emissions Monitoring System; PLC design; Denitrification  Free-port Communication


摘 要    I
Abstract    II
目录    III
第一章 绪论    1
1.1 脱硝排放背景和意义    1
1.2 火电厂脱硝技术发展现状    1
1.3 烟气排放研究的内容和现状    2
1.3.1 气体成分分析    3
1.3.2 粉尘浓度测量    3
1.3.3 烟气流量检测装置    3
1.3.4 监测系统的网络构架    3
1.4方案分析    3
1.5章节安排    5
第二章 系统方案设计    6
2.1 脱硝排放监控系统组成    6
2.2脱硝排放监控系统方案设计    6
2.2.1采样模块    7
2.2.2反吹模块    7
2.2.3烟气分析模块    7
2.2.4预处理模块    7
2.2.5 脱硝排放系统总体方案    7
2.3系统的工作流程    8
2.4 脱硝排放系统的测量要求    9
第三章 PLC系统设计    11
3.1 PLC简介    11
3.2 PLC基本单元    13
3.3 PLC扩展单元    13
3.4 PLC控制程序设计    14
3.4.1 以太网通信程序设计    14
3.4.2蠕动泵工作程序    14
3.4.3抽气泵控制程序    15
3.4.4故障报警模块程序    15
3.4.5反吹模块程序设计    16
第四章 PC机与PLC之间的通信    17
4.1 西门子S7-200系列PLC通信方式及原理    17
4.2 西门子S7-200系列PLC自由端口通信    17
4.2.1  自由端口的初始化    17
4.2.2  发送与接受指令    20
4.3 PLC通信程序设计中应考虑到的问题    21
结束语    23
参考文献    24
致  谢    25
