主页 > 机械机电 > PLC >


来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16315837 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315837

关键词:PLC  自动售货机  模拟二维码支付 

Through the investigation of the functions of modern vending machines, it is found that although modern vending machines have some fully automatic functions, they still have some areas to be improved to meet the needs of a larger number of people. This design mainly adopts PLC1200 to the vending machine control system design, using Portal software build project, control program of the vending machine for compiling the vending machine configuration interface, the whole process of the simulation using the vending machine shopping and connection half physical simulation during the process of using the vending machine shopping. This design is mainly the whole vending machine PLC programming design, vending machine in addition to the traditional coin shopping change function is also added to simulate the two-dimensional code payment function of shopping and shopping end free use of microwave function. The use of motor driven rotating mechanism can be simple to achieve the delivery of goods; The motor and the pallet are used to realize the function of sending goods from the vending machine. This design is in line with the concept of modern energy saving and environmental protection, in line with the daily needs of office workers, but also to meet the current mobile payment trend, make the vending machine design more reasonable, make the vending machine shipment more rapid, more diversified payment.

Key words: PLC;Vending machine;Analog two-dimensional code payment


摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章.绪论    1
1.1本课题研究的背景    1
1.2本课题研究的意义    2
1.3本课题研究的内容    2
第二章. 系统设计方案    4
2.1自动售货机的控制要求    4
2.2自动售货机的工作原理    6
2.3自动售货机的基本结构    6
2.4输入输出的确定    7
第三章. 硬件设计    8
3.1自动售货机的主电路    8
3.2自动售货机的控制电路    9
3.3确定自动售货机I/O地址分配表    10
3.4 PLC的选型    11
3.5步进电机的选型    11
第四章. 软件设计    13
4.1自动售货机的功能图    13
4.2由功能图编写的梯形图    14
4.2.1购买操作的梯形图    14
4.2.2投币支付购物的梯形图    15
4.2.3投币支付退币的梯形图    17
4.2.4二维码支付购物的梯形图    20
4.2.5购买成功出货的梯形图    21
第五章. 组态设计    24
5.1 HMI屏幕的选择    24
5.2组态界面的设计    24
5.3组态界面变量的连接    25
第六章. 仿真调试    26
6.1仿真调试    26
6.2 PLC与触摸屏联调    28
总结    31
参考文献    33
致谢    36
附录    37
