主页 > 机械机电 > PLC >


来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16315842 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315842

关键词:PLC  Wincc  机械手

Design of Control System Based on PLC Robot
With the continuous increase in industrialization, and in response to the call of the National Industry 4.0, the manipulator plays a pivotal role in industrial production and has become an integral part of industrial production.
This system realizes the manipulator's control through PLC control and Wincc monitoring. It realizes the manipulator's motion control through the PLC software's programming. Through the Wincc configuration monitoring picture, it realizes the understanding of the manipulator's movement situation.
This thesis focuses on the design of the PLC software program and the configuration monitoring of the host computer. For the design of the software control process and the preparation of the control program, the robot can move in both automatic and manual modes. The automatic operation program is divided into single-cycle operation and continuous operation .For the upper computer configuration monitoring design, from the introduction of variables to the design of the monitoring screen, the robot's movement can be clearly displayed on the computer screen.
Through the above operations, the robot can complete a series of actions on the workpiece according to the program design, and realize Wincc's clear and intuitive monitoring of the robot to achieve the design requirements and objectives of the paper.
Keywords: PLC; Wincc;manipulator


摘要    1
Abstract    1
第一章 绪论    4
1.1课题研究背景    4
1.2国内外机械手控制系统的发展和现状    4
1.2.1国外研究现状    4
1.2.2国内研究现状    4
1.3机械手研究的目的和意义    4
1.4论文的主要内容    5
第二章 控制系统硬件电路设计    6
2.1 PLC的选型    6
2.2 硬件系统结构    6
2.3 控制电路设计    8
2.4成本分析    9
2.5本章小结    10
第三章 可编程控制器设计    11
3.1可编程控制器概述    11
3.1.1 PLC的主要特点    11
3.1.2 PLC的硬件组成    12
3.2 PLC输入输出设计    13
3.3 PLC程序设计    14
3.3.1主程序设计    14
3.3.2手动操作程序设计    15
3.3.3自动操作程序设计    17
3.3.4旋转控制程序设计    24
3.4 系统运行结果    32
3.5本章小结    33
第四章 组态监控系统设计    34
4.1系统组态软件的选择    34
4.2 Wincc监控系统的设计    34
4.3 监控系统的调试    37
4.3本章小结    40
第五章 总结与展望    42
参考文献    43
致谢    44
