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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16315850 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315850

摘  要
关键词: 液位控制  四容水箱  PLC  PID控制算法 

Design on laboratory apparatus of quadruple tank control system
This paper describes the design of four experimental device - tank PLC automatic control system for the overall design of the control system design and configuration of hardware, software configuration, have the function, frequency of PID control process and the regulatory function to do a more in-depth the Dynasty. PROFIBUS-DP via communication control to M440 inverter size by changing the motor speed control AC pumps to achieve the water level control.
  Meanwhile, WINCC software design four - tank monitor screen, control procedures with T-type language, with data acquisition modules, PID control algorithm and WINCC configuration software, and ultimately accurate control of the water level of. Design and build process control systems, complete configuration test and results analysis control system. This method is easy to grasp, is widely used in industrial processes to solve problems in level control. In addition, the control system will not only meet the needs of industrial production, and huge future market prospects.
    Key words: quadruple tank ;the liquid level control ;PLC;PID control algorithm


摘  要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪论    1
1.1研究背景及意义    1
1.2 国内外发展现状及趋势    2
1.2.1国内外多容水箱的研究现状    2
1.2.2液位控制系统的发展与应用    2
1.2.3液位控制的前景    3
1.3 本文研究内容    4
第二章 四水箱实验装置概况和控制系统软件    5
2.1 实验装置概述    5
2.2 实验对象系统    6
2.2.1四容水箱液位系统    6
2.2.2检测机构系统    7
2.2.3 执行机构系统和辅助系统    7
2.3 实验系统软件    8
第三章PLC的硬件设计及选型    9
3.1 S7-300 PLC简介    9
3.2 电源模块选型    9
3.3 CPU选型    10
3.4 数字量模块选型    10
3.5 模拟量模块选型    10
3.6 机架    11
第四章 四容水箱控制系统软件设计    12
4.1 STEP7介绍    12
4.2实验装置数学模型的建立    12
4.3 基本的PID控制实验设计    13
4.3.1 PID控制器的参数整定方法    14
4.3.2单回路液位PID控制实验设计    16
4.3.3 双容水箱液位串级PID控制实验设计    17
4.4 液位控制系统程序设计    13
第五章WinCC与远程监控    20
5.1 WinCC介绍    24
5.2 远程监控    24
第六章 总结与展望    28
6.1 总结    28
6.2 展望    28
参考文献    29
致  谢    30
