来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1634697 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634697
摘 要:养殖废水具有典型的“三高”特征,高COD、高氨氮、高SS,而养殖业是薄利行业,无法承担较高的污水处理成本,目前的处理工艺大部分以处理有机物为主,使COD得到较大幅度的削减,但氨氮的削减量不够,难以达到排放的要求,而“十二五”期间国家将氨氮纳入全国主要水污染减排约束性控制指标,并将农业源污染防治纳入环境保护的重要议程,从而养殖场废水中氨氮的处理成为目前亟待解决的问题之一。
Removal of Ammonia Nitrogen in Piggery Wastewater by Ultrasound Stripping
Abstract:Livestock wastewater is typical for high concentration of ammonia, COD and SS.Aquaculture industry which belongs to a small profit industry,can not afford the high costs of waster treatment.Nowadays,the major objective of wastewater treatment was organic compound,so COD has a more substantial reduction and the reduction of ammonia is not enough to meet the requirement. Ammonia nitrogen will be one of the binding targets of water pollutants during the 12th Five-year Plan.It is only very recently that the removal of ammonia nitrogen in Piggery Wastewater is brought into focus.
The study of removing ammonia nitrogen in piggery wastewater by ultrasonic stripping indicated that the effect of pH value including other factors etc. was similar to the condition of stripping or ultrasound. On the optimum condition, the removal efficiency of NH3-N reached 88.06% and the remanent NH3-N concentration was 78.4mg/L which was reach the discharge standard of pollutants for livestock and poultry breeding.
Key words: Piggery wastewater; Ammonia-nitrogen; Ultrasound stripping; Remove