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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1634702 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634702

摘  要:采用《水与废水监测分析方法》上的标准分析方法,对湖南农业大学校内景观水体进行了TN(Total Nitrogen,总氮)、TP(Total Phosphorus,总磷)和叶绿素a等指标的测定,结果显示农大校园内的景观水体大部分氮磷含量超标,初级生产力较高,达到富营养化水平。其中十一教后面最低处的湖和生命科学楼后面的鱼塘氮磷含量最高,富营养化最为严重。

Monitoring and Evaluation of Eutrophication on Water Environmental quality in  University Campus
Abstract:According to the guidance in ‘water and wastewater monitoring analysis method’, the landscape waters’ Total Nitrogen(TN) ,Total Phosphorus (TP) and chlorophyll a and other indicators were detected on campus of Hunan Agricultural University. Results showed that the landscape water on campus currently has exceeding amount of nitrogen and phosphorus and high primary productivity, which means achieving eutrophication standards. Among them, lakes which have the highest nitrogen and phosphorus content and severest process of eutrophication is the one behind the teaching building 11 and the one behind the Life sciences buiding.
Key words:Hunan Agricultural University; eutrophication; Total Nitrogen; Chlorophyll a
