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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1634705 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634705

摘  要:在实验室研究了广东某公司生产的除臭剂对鸡粪和生活垃圾的除臭效果,本实验选取臭气中有代表性的NH3和H2S两种物质为研究对象。实验结果表明,当用量达到15ml除臭剂/100g鸡粪和20ml除臭剂/200g生活垃圾时,此种除臭剂对鸡粪中的氨气和生活垃圾中的硫化氢有显著的去除作用,臭气的去除效果达到90%以上,并通过长期实验证明除臭剂的除臭效果具有长效性。同时对垃圾生物消臭的影响因素进行了实验研究,结果表明,此微生物除臭剂的为中性菌,最适宜的生长温度为30℃。最后还进行了垃圾中转站的现场试验,进一步研究表明该种生物除臭剂应用于现场对垃圾的除臭率达到80%以上,除臭效果良好。

Study on Factors Affecting of Biological Deodorizing garbage
Abstract: This study made an analysis on deodorization effect of a Guangdong company’s production of chicken manure and living garbage deodorizer. The representative NH3 and H2S were chosed as research objects in this experiment. Experimental results show that the deodorizer has  excellent effect on deodorizing H2S- odor removal efficiency was up to 90% when the concentration reached 15ml deodorant/ 100 chicken manure and 20ml deodorant / 200g life rubbish and the long-term effect had been comfirmed. Also the study made an analysis on the influencial factors of biological deodorization The results indicated that the microbial deodorant is a neuter bacterium and the most appropriate growth temperature is 30 ℃. Finally, field experiment at solid waste transfer station also carried out which showed that this biological deodorizer had a good effect on garbage deodorization. Removal efficiency was up to 80%.
Key words:Biological deodorant; poultry manure; solid waste;NH3;H2S
