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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1634716 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634716


Estimation of annual total livestock/poultry wastes in Hunan Province
Abstract:Based on statistical data and various related parameters, annual total wastes from main livestock/poultry in Hunan Province was evaluated for 2008. The study shows that gross livestock/poultry excrement in 2008 comprises of 7154.11×104tons of feces and 6523.03×104tons of urine. The total livestock/poultry excrement contains 66.07×104tons N, 34.57×104tons P, and 72.70×104tons K. Among the main livestock/poultry (pig, cattle, sheep, rabbit and chicken), pigs excrete the highest amount of feces, accounting for 81.4% of the total excrement. This is followed by cattle, accounting for 9.4% of the total excrement.96.2% of the livestock/poultry urine is also produced by pigs, followed by cattle (2.4%). The highest amount of livestock/poultry wastes comes from Hengyang City, followed by Shaoyang City, Changsha City,Yongzhou City and Yueyang City. Excrement from these five cities accounts for almost half of  total livestock/poultry excrement in Hunan Province. Average excretion load of croplands is 40.79 t•hm−2, which is much higher than the 4.19 t•hm−2national average. This finding suggests that rural environments of Henan Province are confronted with severe pollution and ecological risks.
Key words:Hunan Province;Livestock/poultry wastes;Discharge amount;Cropland load

目  录     7000字
摘要:    1
关键词:    1
1前言    2
2材料与方法    3
2.1基础数据    3
2.2畜禽饲养期估算    4
2.3排粪尿量估算    4
2.3.1单头(只)畜禽粪尿日排放量    4
2.3.2年粪尿排放总量    4
2.4畜禽粪尿中氮、磷、钾含量    4
3结果与分析    5
3.1湖南省畜禽废弃物产生总量    5
3.2湖南省不同畜禽废弃物产生总量    5
3.3不同地区的畜禽废弃物产生总量    6
3.4畜禽粪便中有机质、氮、磷和钾排放量    6
3.5湖南省单位面积耕地畜禽粪便污染负荷    7
4 结论与建议    7
4.1 总结    7
4.2 控制畜禽养殖业污染的建议    7
4.2.1 加强立法与管理,增强养殖户的环保意识    7
4.2.2 通过营养调控降低禽畜排泄物的污染    8
4.2.3 改善畜禽养殖业的饮水方式和粪便收集方式    8
4.2.4 研制畜禽养殖业废弃物资源化技术    8
4.2.5 畜禽废水的终端人工处理    9
参考文献    9
致    谢    10
