来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1634717 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634717
摘 要:锑对工业发展有着重要地位,在锑冶炼过程中的废气污染也成为了一个重要的问题。本论文论述空气质量监测发展,通过锑冶的生产工艺的判定以及当前废气治理的技术。计算成产过程中产生的烟气量,在通过尾气处理装置后在后生成的尾气中各个污染物的含量,与监测厂址周围的大气状况,用监测所得出的数据再用大气监测助手这款软件得出当地的污染状况。
SO2 Ambient Air Quality Impact Prediction And Evaluation of Antimony Smelting Industry
Abstract: Antimony has an important role in industrial development. In the process of antimony melting, air pollution in the smelting process has also become an important issue. The paper discusses the development of air quality monitoring. Through the judgment of antimony’s production process rule and the technology of the current emission control. Calculated as the flue gas generated in the process producing the amount of exhaust gas treatment device through the post after the various pollutants in the exhaust gas generated content. By monitoring atmospheric conditions around the site and the resulting data to monitor air monitoring assistant, and then obtained the software to local pollution.
Key words: Status of antimony smelting; Production process; Governance; Air quality monitoring; Forecast
