摘 要:本文通过田间试验和室内分析方法,研究运用色相气谱法。测定了丁草胺在土壤中残留降解动态。并介绍了丁草胺在植株、稻米、稻壳、水和土壤中的提取、净化以及气相色谱的分析方法。本方法在植株、稻米、稻壳、水和土壤中的添加量为0.50 mg/kg、1.00 mg/kg、0.05 mg/kg,丁草胺的最小检出量为5.0×10-12g,丁草胺的最低检测浓度:水为0.001mg/L;土壤、稻米为0.005mg/L;植株、稻壳为0.01mg/L;丁草胺的保留时间为3.2min.
关键词:丁草胺; 色相气谱法; 残留动态
Butachlor in Soil Degradation Dynamics And Residues
Abstract: Through field experiments and laboratory analysis methods to study the use of hue gas spectrum. Determination of the degradation of butachlor residues in soil dynamics. And introduced butachlor in paddy rice, rice husk, water and soil in the extraction, purification and gas chromatography analysis. The method in the plant, rice, rice husk, adding amount of water and soil in the 0.50 mg / kg, 1.00 mg / kg, 0.05 mg / kg, the minimum detectable amount of butachlor 5.0 × 10-12g. The minimum detectable concentration of alachlor: water is 0.001mg / L; soil, rice 0.005mg / L; plants, rice husk was 0.01mg / L; butachlor retention time of 3.2min.
Key words: butachlor; hue gas chromatographic method; residue

目 录
摘 要 1
关键词 1
1前言 2
2 仪器设备 3
3 试剂 4
4 分析步骤 4
4.1提取 4
4.1.1水样 4
4.1.2土壤 4
4.1.3植株、稻米和稻壳 4
4.2净化 5
4.2.1土壤 5
4.2.2植株、稻米和稻壳 5
4.3分析测定 5
4.3.1气相色谱条件 5
4.3.2 标准曲线 5
4.3.3最小检出量 6
4.3.4最低检测浓度 6
4.3.5相对保留时间 6
5结束语 10
参考文献 11
致 谢 11