来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1636860 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1636860
摘 要:通过对不同品种水稻施肥和施加不同肥料在自然降雨过程中的对比试验,研究水稻生长期间氮磷流失形态及其规律。结果表明,在自然降雨下,氮磷的流失量为金优974大于湘早143。施用不同肥料情况下氮流失量的大小比较为硅肥>硒肥>不施肥,磷的流失量大小为硅肥>不施肥>硒肥。由此可见农田地表径流水中氮磷流失主要受降雨量和施加肥料的影响,不同品种的水稻也是影响径流水中氮、磷养分流失的一个因素。
Fertilization and rainfall on the impact of nitrogen and phosphorus losses
Abstract:Difdiffenrent varieties of rice by different fertilizer and manure applied in the process of natural rainfall in the comparative test of nitrogen and phosphorus loss during rice growth forms and their laws. The results showed that under natural rainfall, nitrogen loss that jinyou874 is greater than the xiangzao 143,. The case of nitrogen fertilizer application the size of loss compared to Silicon> selenium> no fertilizer, phosphorus and silicon the size of loss> no fertilizer> selenium. This shows that the loss of farmland runoff water mainly by nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers applied rainfall and the influence of different varieties of rice are also in the water runoff of nitrogen and phosphorus loss of a factor.
Key words:nitrogen;phosphorus ;runoff ;fertilization;rainfall

目 录
摘 要: 1
关键词: 1
1 前 言 1
1.1土壤中氮磷流失的危害 1
1.1.1地下水污染 2
1.1.2水体富营养化 2
1.2土壤氮磷流失的主要影响因素 2
1.3施肥与氮磷的流失 3
1.4 国内外对农田土壤氮磷流失的研究进展 3
1.5研究目的和内容 4
2 材料及方法 4
2.1 试验材料 4
2.2 盆栽实验设计 5
2.3 采样方法 5
2.4 检测方法 5
2.4.1主要仪器设备 5
2.4.2 主要试剂 5
2.4.3 总氮的检测方法 6
2.4.4 总磷的检测方法 6
3 结果与分析 7
3.1 不同水稻覆盖下降雨对土壤中总氮流失的影响 7
3.2 施加不同肥料的情况下降雨对土壤中总氮流失的影响 8
3.3 不同水稻覆盖下降雨对土壤中总磷流失的影响 9
3.4 施加不同肥料的情况下降雨对土壤中总磷流失的影响 9
4 结论 10
参考文献 10
致 谢 12