来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16318178 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16318178
本文介绍了用于生产塑料产品的注塑模具的设计。把塑料模设计成两种不同的部分,但是拥有相同的使用功能,其中一部分是凹模功能,另一部分则是凸模功能。在计算机辅助设计 (CAD)中,两个塑料零部件使用 Pro-Engineer(Pro E) 参数化软件绘出3维(3D)视图。在计算机辅助制造(CAM)过程中,亦可利用 Pro-E 参数化软件开发加工程序,同时对于模具设计而言,在同一模架上,可利用可变的镶块生产出不同种类的塑料产品。在操作注塑机和模具设计之前,利用Mold Flow或Part Advisor软件,我们可以分析和模拟出最合适的注射部位、物质的温度和注射压力,预测出熔接横和气泡的位置。.
关键字: 多变插入模具、注射压力、气泡,注射位置、模具设计
This paper presents the design of plastic injection mould for producing a plastic product.The plastic part was designed into two different types of product, but in the same usage function. One part is using clip function and another part is using stick function. In the computer-aided design (CAD), two plastic parts were drawn in 3 dimension (3D) view by using Pro-Engineer (Pro-E) parametric software. In the computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), Pro-Manufacturing from Pro-E parametric software was used to develop the machining program. For mould design, the product was designed into two changeable inserts to produce two different types of plastic product in one mould base. Before proceeding to injection machine and mould design, this part was analysed and simulated by using Mold Flow or Part Advisor software. From the analysis and simulation we can define the most suitable injection location, material temperature and pressure for injection. The predicted weld lines and air trap were also found and analysed.
Keywords: Changeable insert mould, injection pressure, air traps, injection location,mould design |