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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16318204 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16318204


Design of precision angular indexing system for calibration of rotary tables†
Mechatronics & Manufacturing Center, Samsung Electronics Co. LTD., Suwon-city, 443-742, Korea
The indexing table was developed for angle measurements on machine tools. The measuring techniques, which have been reviewed in this paper, are currently available in manufacturing engineering to calibrate the angle measurement. The measuring principles of each equipment are outlined and their capabilities are also discussed. The new indexing table using 6 points kinematic concept and employing ball and vee grooves location was designed and manufactured to calibrate angle errors of rotary tables using a laser interferometer. The manufacturing method was evaluated to manufacture the accurate vee grooves. A special cam was designed and manufactured to trans-late rotation movement into lift-up and rotation movement. A CNC machining centre and indexing head were used to manufacture the cam. All parts of the new indexing table were manufactured with a manufacturing tolerance according to drawings, squareness and paral-lelism checked to obey the 6 points kinematic concept. Also these factors controlled the repeatability of the new indexing table. After installing the new indexing table, the performance was evaluated using rotary table operating in both the horizontal and vertical orienta-tions.
