来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1635701 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635701
译文: 1.汽车空调的工作原理 其实汽车空调和我们熟悉的家用空调制冷原理是一样的。都是利用R12或是R134a压缩释放的瞬间体积急剧膨胀就要吸收大量热能的原理制冷。(由于R12对大气臭氧层的破坏,出于环保的要求发达国家从1996年开始改用R134a做制冷剂)汽车空调的构造和家用的分体空调类似,它的压缩机往往是安装在发动机上,并用皮带驱动(也有直接驱动的),冷凝器安装在汽车散热器的前方,而蒸发器在车里面,工作时从蒸发器出来的低压气态致冷剂流经压缩机变成高压高温气体,经过冷凝器散热管降温冷却变成高压低温的液体,再经过贮液干燥器除湿与缓冲,然后以较稳定的压力和流量流向膨胀阀,经节流和降压最后流向蒸发器。致冷剂一遇低压环境即蒸发,吸收大量热能。车厢内的空气不断流经蒸发器,车厢内温度也就因此降低。液态致冷剂流经蒸发器后再次变成低压气体,又重新被吸入压缩机进行下一次的循环工作。在整个系统中,膨胀阀是控制致冷剂进入蒸发器的机关,致冷剂进入蒸发器太多就不易蒸发而太少冷气又会不够,因此膨胀阀是调节中枢。而压缩机是系统的心脏,系统循环的动力源泉。 尽管汽车空调的空调系统的原理与其它空调系统是相同的,但汽车空调是移动式车载的空调装置,它与固定式空调系统相比,动转条件更恶劣,随汽车行驶的颤振,空调系统的制冷剂比固定式更容易泄漏,空调系统的维修与保养也比固定式频繁,空调装置中风路系统在吸入新风时常常会将尘土吸入,堵塞过滤网及蒸发器,在清洗过程中又往往会把制冷剂泄放到大气中去。造成臭氧层消耗,破坏了环境。 2.汽车空调的组成
原文: 1. The working principle of Automobile Air Conditioning (毕业设计 ) In fact, we are familiar with the automotive air-conditioning and home air conditioning refrigeration principle is the same. R12 or R134a are using compression instantaneous release of the rapid expansion of the volume will absorb a large amount of heat the principle of refrigeration. (R12 on the ozone layer due to the destruction of the requirements of the developed countries for environmental protection from 1996 to start using refrigerant R134a) Automotive Air-conditioning and the construction of air-conditioning at home in a similar, it is often installed in the compressor engine, and with a belt drive (also has a direct drive), the condenser installed in the car in front of the radiator, and evaporator in the car inside, and work out from the evaporator of low pressure gaseous refrigerant flows through a high-pressure high-temperature gas compressor After cooling condenser cooling tube cooling into the low-temperature high-pressure liquid, through the desiccant dryers and storage of buffer, and then to a more stable flow of pressure and flow expansion valve, the final expenditure and the flow of relief evaporator. Refrigerant event of a low-pressure environment that is evaporation, absorb a large amount of heat. Inside the air continuously flows through the evaporator, the temperature inside it diminished. Liquid refrigerant flows through the evaporator again after a low-pressure gas compressor again be inhaled for the next cycle. In the whole system, the expansion valve is to control the refrigerant entering the evaporator organs, refrigerant into the evaporator too much and too little on the difficult evaporation will not air-conditioned, expansion valve to regulate hub. The compressor system is the heart of the cycle of power source system.
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