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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1635712 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635712
为提高自动变速器的效率,可对液力变矩器实施闭锁,闭锁工作由闭锁离合器来完成,它受发动机负荷、输出轴转速、档位和换档模式共同控制。 (毕业设计 )

Discusses the hydraulic automatic transmission gearbox control technology shallowly
The hydraulic automatic transmission gearbox fundamental mode is the revolving shaft type mechanical variable speed drive series which the fluid strength bending moment and the power shift gears.Because it has the foreign load good automatic control and the compatibility, causes the vehicles start to be steady, the acceleration is even, its antivibration function reduced the power transmission moving load and turns inspires, lengthened the power transmission service life, enhanced the riding comfortableness, the travel security, passed the natural as well as the vehicles average velocity. The automatic transmission efficiency is lower than the mechanical variable speed drive always is puzzles its development an important reason.In order to solve this problem, the hydraulic automatic transmission gearbox has been through repeatedly uses the multi-part running wheel fluid strength bending moment, the block system coupling, the increase planet gear transmission gearbox files position, the electronic control and so on many kinds of methods, enable it synthesis economical performance to obtain the enhancement. In which most effective is the recent for ten years, applies the electronic technology massively in the control aspect, caused the hydraulic automatic transmission gearbox in the performance a new stair.This aspect prime task includes: The shift point control, the bending moment block system clutch control, shifts gears the quality control and so on.