汽车服务的设备(Variational Surface modeling)
来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1635754 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635754
TranX2000rM 是为为自动传输服务的一个有效和灵活的工具。单位是便携式的,并且汽车使用在车和在长凳。 TranX用微处理器设计了,给它能力举行信息驱动并且分析所有传输类型。 当新的传输来模子市场tranX设计允许简单的周期性升级与唯一接通设备。这个设备回来容易接近的Al TranX2000的™ 控制器,并且可以迅速被替换。请登记您的TranX2000,因此生产商能通知您,当更新变得可利用。
TranX2000有二个主要成份、thy控制器和接口箱子。 所有电子开关、螺线管司机和测量,电子位于接口箱子。 这做了,因此他们控制TranX的所有电子元件是离电子螺线管较近。 您能塞住您的电源线入控制器或接口箱子提供力量给TranX。 每当可能,生产商推荐使用接口箱子,与电池适配器 cahle一起在您的成套工具,供给TranX动力。 请务必跑黑夹子到电池被研和红色夹子到电池12伏特。
Variational Surface modeling
We present a new approach to interactive modeling of free-from surfaces. Instead of a fixed mesh of control points, the model presented to the user is that of an infinitely malleable surface, with no fixed controls. The user is free to apply control points and curves which are then available as handles for direct manipulation. The complexity of the surface’s shape may be increased by adding more control points and curves, without apparent limit. Within the constraints imposed by the controls, the shape of the surface is fully determined by one or more simple criteria, such as smoothness. Our method for solving the resulting constrained variational optimization problem rests on surface representation scheme allowing nonuniform subdivision of B-spline surfaces. Automatic subdivision is used to ensure that constraints are met, and to enforce error bounds. Efficient numerical solutions are obtained by exploiting linearities in the problem formulation and the representation.