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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1635813 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635813

   这是投入运行的第一代商用扩散体增强型风力机(DAWT: diffuser augmented wind turbine),如果开发者的预期结果得以实现,将导致风力发电成本大幅度降低。在试验新的风力机技术的同时,也可以试验扩散体环罩的新材料、高强钢丝纤维加强的钢筋混凝土。此种风力机在当地被称为"混凝土风力机"。在商业上,它被称为Vortec7型风力机,因为它有一个7m直径的转子。

Low-cost wind power can provide a new wind turbine
Abstract: The first generation of commercial proliferation of enhanced wind turbine (DAWT) in New Zealand has just begun trial operation two years, if the developers to achieve the expected results, this new design of wind machines to be significantly reduced cost of wind power.
   New Zealand in the distance about 100 km Aokelannan the Waikaretu on top of a hill, a revolutionary new wind turbine is a two-year trial operation. The wind machines and the appearance of conventional wind turbine completely different compared to its height of 17 m, much like a Juwu squatted on the Peak, and the conventional wind turbine is a slender body, tall and towering over the top of the hill.
