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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1638099 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1638099

同时由于我们国家日益发展的经济情况还有我们日益强大的军事技术,我们和外界的联系也渐渐的紧密起来了。但是由于我国有着较为宽广的港口领域,所以海上交通便是我们和外界取得联系的最好方式。但是海上交通就一定会用到轮船,而与陆地取得联系就一定要用到跳板了,所以我便对这种跳板装置进行了一些设 计。跳板作为自行轮船重要的组成部分,可以在轮船靠近岸边时,可以作为被保障装备通行的桥梁。

The prospects for the development of mechanical and hydraulic
     With the continuous development of human society, the land could be open resources depleted, the world is gradually turning to the ocean, open and use of marine resources has played an increasingly important role in the development of countries. Disputes between countries and regions of the resulting friction. Since the beginning of the new century, with the ocean reefs and the scramble for resources intensifies, sea lanes security situation deteriorating situation of the competing interests at sea will be more severe, especially in the United States, Japan, Russia, India and other countries for the growth of the Navy adopted a multi- kinds of measures, warlords contend situation. In the era of full implementation of the open sea background conditions, the the Navy shoulder the sacred mission to safeguard national security, to defend its sovereignty, safeguard national maritime rights and interests.
     At the same time due to the growing economic situation of our country and our increasingly powerful military technology, and the outside world has gradually close up. However, China has a relatively wide field of ports, maritime transport is the best way to contact the outside world. Maritime traffic will be used in ships, land contact must use the springboard, so I will be the springboard device design. Springboard as their own ship an important part of the ship close to the shore, can be used as the access bridge support equipment.
