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电梯曳引机Traction machine

来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1639717 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1639717

电梯曳引机Traction machine(中文3500字,英文2000字)
有齿轮曳引机广泛用于运行速度v ≤2.0m/s的各种货梯、客梯、杂物梯。为了减小曳引机运行时的噪音和提高平稳性,一般采用蜗轮副作减速传动装置。

Traction machine
As power provider for lift, traction machine, also called main machine, is composed of motor, brake, geared machine and seat.  It is a drive to make car move by means of the friction between traction rope and sheave.  According to whether the geared machine is provided or not, it is classified into geared and gearless types.
Geared traction machine
Geared traction machine
is widely used in cargo lift, passenger lift and service lift with speed of not more than 2.0m/s.  To reduce working noise and enhance stability, worm gear is normally used as geared drive.  Such machine is composed of motor, worm, gear, brake, rope and seat, as shown is figure 2-1.
Main parameters, such as lift load and speed are determined by Hp and speed of traction machine, worm and gear numbers, gear ratio, diameter of traction machine, rope grooves and traction ratio (traction mode).

电梯曳引机Traction machine

