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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16316881 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16316881


This design is a water supply and drainage design for the D residential building, which mainly includes six systems: living water supply system, drainage system, roof drainage system, fire hydrant system, sprinkler system, and hot water supply system.
The water supply system uses frequency-converting pump pressurized water supply, and downfeed system, living water supply pipe adopts PP-R water pipe, hot melt connection. The hot water supply system uses solar water heater system, hot water pipe adopts PP-R water pipe, hot melt connection.
The indoor drainage of the building uses the confluence system of sewage and waste water, and the outdoor drainage uses rain and sewage diversion system. Sewage and waste water more than ±0.000 would gravity flow to outdoor septic tank. Underground Sewage and waste water use a submersible sewage pump to the outdoor sewage pipe. Drainage riser adopts CHT special single stack, the pipe fittings are made of cast iron with built-in upper and lower swirling blades, the rubber ring uses flexible connection, and the rest uses socket interface, glue bonding; drainage pipe adopts UPVC. The roof drainage system uses gravity flow drainage system, rainwater collected by pipelines then connects to municipal rainwater drainage pipe network; drainage pipe adopts UPVC.
The architecture is a residential building, belonging to class Ⅱ. The fire hazard level of basement is medium-risk class I, and residential floors’ are light-risk class. The fire hydrant system and sprinkler system are not partitioned; fire pipe adopts hot-dip galvanized steel pipe.
Keywords: Water supply system; Drainage system; Fire hydrant system; Sprinkler system
本建筑为二类高层住宅,根据设计资料,已知室外给水管网常年可提供的工作水压为20mH2O,对于层高不超过3.5m的民用建筑,可根据经验法按建筑物的层数粗略估计所需最小服务压力值。从地面算起,一般建筑物一层需要0.10MPa,二层需要0.12MPa,三层及三层以上每增加一层增加0.04 MPa,即H=0.12+0.04×(n-2)MPa。故10层建筑所需水压H=0.12+0.04×8=0.44MPa。

高层住宅楼给排水工程设计(含CAD图) 高层住宅楼给排水工程设计(含CAD图)

摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 设计说明书    1
1.1给水系统    1
1.2排水系统    1
1.3雨水系统    1
1.4消火栓系统    2
1.5自动喷水灭火系统    3
1.6热水供应系统    3
第二章 计算说明书    5
2.1给水系统    5
2.1.1给水用水定额及时变化系数    5
2.1.2用水量计算    5
2.1.3设计秒流量计算    5
2.1.4地下室生活水箱容积    6
2.1.5水力计算    7
2.2排水系统    10
2.2.1排水横支管水力计算    10
2.2.2排水立管水力计算    13
2.2.3立管底部和出户管计算    13
2.2.4地下室集水井计算    14
2.2.5化粪池设计计算    14
2.3雨水系统    15
2.3.1设计暴雨强度q    15
2.3.2汇水面积F    16
2.3.3雨水量计算    16
2.3.4雨水斗选用    17
2.3.5屋面雨水排水立管选用    17
2.3.6溢流口设置    17
2.4消防系统    18
2.4.1消防水池    18
2.4.2屋顶消防水箱    18
2.4.3消火栓的布置    19
2.4.4消火栓给水系统水力计算    20
(1)水枪喷嘴处所需的水压    20
(2)水枪喷嘴的出流量    20
(3)水带阻力    20
(4)消火栓口所需的水压    20
(5)水力计算    21
2.4.5消防泵选型    23
2.4.6消火栓减压计算    23
2.4.7消防水箱安装高度校核    24
2.4.8增压设备选择和计算    25
2.4.9水泵接合器选择和设置    25
2.5自动喷水灭火系统    26
2.5.1自动喷水灭火系统的基本数据    26
2.5.2喷头选用与布置    26
2.5.3水力计算(特性系数法)    26
2.5.4自动喷水灭火系统消防泵选择    28
2.5.5减压孔板计算    29
2.5.6消防水箱安装高度校核    30
2.5.7增压设备选择和计算    30
2.5.8水泵接合器选择和设置    31
2.6热水供应系统    31
2.6.1所需压力校核    31
2.6.2热水用水定额    31
2.6.3太阳能系统集热器面积    31
2.6.4集热器选择    32
2.6.5集热器的布置    32
2.6.6贮热水箱容积    33
设计总结    34
参考文献    35
致谢    36
