主页 > 土木工程 > 给排暖通 >


来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16316883 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16316883

关键词:消防给排水   消火栓系统设计  自动喷水灭火系统  高层建筑

Design of Fire Water Supply and Drainage System and Fire Extinguishing System for an Office Building
With the development of economic construction, the number of fire in high-rise buildings increases sharply. Therefore, the success of the fire safety design of the whole building is directly affected by the fire water supply design of high-rise buildings.
This design is the design of water supply and drainage system and fire extinguishing system for an office building. With reference to the code, this building is designated as a second-class high-rise building. Indoor fire hydrants were selected from the nozzle diameter of 65mm, nozzle diameter of 19mm, and water belt length of 25m. The indoor fire water consumption was determined to be 25.5l /s with the use of gelatinized materials. The pump head was determined to be 80m by hydraulic calculation of the system. The volume of the building's fire water tank is 15.3m cubed, the volume of the fire water tank is 183.6m cubed, and the number of water pump adapters is 2. The model of pressurizing and regulating equipment is ZW - I-X-13. Outdoor fire hydrants are arranged with 3 temporary high pressure fire hydrants on the ground. Automatic sprinkler system through the system hydraulic calculation, the design flow is 21.979 l/s., pump head is 77 m, choose model for DFW80-250 (Ⅰ) / 2/37 of the spray water pump in the two groups, one with a case. The effective volume of the building's fire water tank is 14m cubed, the effective volume of the fire water tank is 159m cubed, and the number of water pump adapters is 2. Pressurization voltage stabilizing device for ZW (L) - Ⅱ - Z - type A. I Used CAD to Draw Plane Layout Drawing and System Drawing. This design has certain feasibility and scientific nature.
Key Words: Water Supply and Drainage; Design of Fire Hydrant System; automatic sprinkler system; High-rise buildings



摘要    I
第1章绪论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2    国内外研究情况    1
1.3本文的设计意义及设计技术路线    2
1.3.1本文的设计意义    2
1.3.2设计的技术路线    2
1.4消防系统给水概况    2
1.4.1消火栓系统    2
1.4.2自动喷水灭火系统    4
第二章消火栓系统设计    5
2.1室外消火栓的设计    5
2.1.1确定室外消火栓的给水技术参数和消防用水量    5
2.1.2确定室外消火栓的数量    5
2.1.3确定消火栓的型号    6
2.1.4室外消火栓的布置要求    6
2.2室内消火栓的设计    6
2.2.1系统的组成:    6
2.2.2室内消火栓的布置原则    7
2.2.3室内消火栓系统设计的基本流程    7
2.2.4室内消火栓系统具体涉及内容    7
2.3本章小结    16
第三章自动喷水灭火系统设计    17
3.1系统分类及适用范围    17
3.2系统的选型    17
3.3系统概述    18
3.4系统设计参数的选择    18
3.5系统组件    20
3.5.1喷头    20
3.5.2水流指示器    21
3.5.3报警阀组    21
3.5.4末端试水装置    21
3.6喷头、报警阀和水流指示器的布置    22
3.6.1喷头布置    22
3.6.2报警阀的布置    22
3.6.3水流指示器的布置    23
3.7自喷系统水力计算    23
3.7.1确定系统管网形式    23
3.7.2确定各段管网的管径    23
3.7.3选择水力计算的方法    23
3.8针对性设计    25
3.8.1确定设计流量    25
3.8.2确定水泵的扬程和选型    29
3.8.3确定系统中的减压设备    29
3.8.4消防水箱    31
3.8.5消防水池    32
3.8.6水泵接合器的设置数量和选型    32
3.8.7增压稳压设备    33
3.9本章小结    34
第四章总结和感想    35
4.1总结    35
4.1.1消火栓系统    35
4.1.2自动喷水灭火系统    35
4.2感想    35
参考文献    37
致谢    38
