路线设计 路基 沥青混凝土路面 交通量 路基
Heiluo road is one of the key project in Heilongjiang province, it connects the Heihe city and the Daxinganling city.Its design speed is 60 km/h, which adopt two-stage highway design standard. The meaning of its construction to the consummation of the road network, is promoting along the route area economy development, bringing poverty area to get rid of poverty and become rich soon, and promoting crosswise relation between the city group of the northeast of Heilongjiang Province, which is significant.
This design is based on the field operation survey data, as well as along the route natural condition including geology, terrain, hydrology and the related technical standard, which is issued by the Ministry of Transportation & Communications. According to the above we can complete the construction drawing design. First, the route three-dimensional space is designed, which include plane design, cross section design, profile design. Second shelter- design, subgrade and pavement design.At the same time, it present the reletive table and working drawing. Road routine design has made planar design and vertical section design to the routine, which starts from the economical efficiency and rationality of the engineering construction to limit filling, digging and the total engineering capacity. Meanwhile it is should considered that the routine should be coordinated with the natural resorts of the surroundings. The design of roadbed is mainly on designing and calculating the framework layer of the transect and road surface. The transect of the road is designed according to the car speed and transportation as well as the ratio of slope. The framework layer of the road also relates to the selection, intensity, freshness, stability of the road materials.
Key words
Route design,Roadbed,Asphaltic concrete pavement, transportation,subgrade
2 工程概况
1.2.1 水文条件
1.2.2 气候条件
1.2.3 地理、地形条件

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 概述 1
1.1 建设项目背景 1
1.2 工程概况 1
1.2.1 水文条件 1
1.2.2 气候条件 2
1.2.3 地理、地形条件 2
1.3 设计依据 2
1.4 设计标准 2
第二章 路线设计 4
2.1 选线和定线 4
2.2 平面设计 4
2.2.1 平面线形设计的一般原则 4
2.2.2 平面设计的要求 4
2.2.3 方位角的计算 5
2.2.4平曲线要素计算 5
2.2.5逐桩坐标计算 6
2.3 纵断面设计 7
2.3.1 纵坡设计的一般要求 7
2.3.2纵坡设计 9
2.3.3线形组合特征及注意问题 10
2.3.4 纵断面设计步骤 11
2.3.5高程计算 12
2.3.6竖曲线要素及变坡点处设计高程计算 12
2.3.7绘制纵断面图 13
2.4横断面设计 13
2.4.1路幅构成 13
2.4.2超高设计 14
2.5土石方的计算与调配 16
第三章 路基设计 18
3.1 概述 18
3.2一般路基设计要求 18
3.3填方路基 19
3.3.1填料选择 19
3.3.2压实度 19
3.3.3边坡 19
3.3.4地基表层处理 19
3.4挖方路基 20
3.5路基附属设施 20
3.5.1取土坑与弃土堆 20
3.5.2护坡道与碎落台 20
3.6路基稳定性验算 21
3.7挡土墙设计 21
3.7.1基本资料 21
3.7.2拟定断面尺寸 22
3.7.3主动土压力计算 22
3.7.4挡土墙抗滑稳定性验算 24
3.7.5抗倾覆稳定性验算 24
3.7.6基底应力及偏心距验算 25
3.7.7墙身截面强度验算 26
3.7.8挡土墙的变形缝设计 27
3.7.9挡土墙排水设施设计 27
第四章 路面设计 28
4.1设计要求条件 28
4.2设计内容 28
4.2.1设计轴载 28
4.2.2轴载换算 28
4.2.3以半刚性基层层底拉应力为设计指标 30
4.3结构组成与材料选取 31
4.4设计指标的确定 31
4.4.1设计弯沉值 31
4.4.2各层材料容许拉应力 31
4.5路面结构层厚度计算 32
4.5.1确定理论弯沉系数 32
4.5.2确定设计层厚度 33
4.6沥青混凝土面层、半刚性基层和底基层层底拉应力验算 33
4.6.1 验算沥青面层底部弯拉应力 33
4.6.2 验算水泥碎石底部弯拉应力 34
4.6.3 验算石灰土底部弯拉应力 34
4.7确定路面结构层 35
第五章 排水设计 36
5.1排水的目的与意义 36
5.2排水设计原则 36
5.3路基排水设计 37
5.3.1地面排水设备 37
5.3.2地下排水设备 37
5.4路面排水设计 38
5.5路面内部排水系统设计 39
5.6路面边缘排水 39
结论 41
参考文献 42
致谢 43