来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1634435 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634435
摘 要
矿井布置一个工作面生产,一个工作面备用,年生产能力为300万t/a。工作面长度为250 m。运输大巷采用胶带运煤,大巷辅助运输采用电机车运输材料和矸石。矿井通风方式为中央边界式。
专题部分主要介绍的是综放面顶板顶煤分类及研究。翻译部分题目为“Adopt the crest of the coal work noodles plank management problem study” 。
The design includes three parts : general, thematic elements and some of the translation. Shuiyu part of the general three million tons of ore a new well design. The text is divided into 10 chapters : Overview of mine and mine geology, mine realm and reserves, the system of mine, design and production capabilities and service life, mine development, preparation methods-panel design, mining methods, underground transport, Mine Hoist and transport, mine ventilation and mine safety and the major economic and technical indicators.
Shuiyu mine design annual production capacity of three million, the service life of 97 years. T Mine system "April 6" system. Pit mining methods to tilt fully mechanized longwall top coal caving mining. Mine explore ways to open up two-way up.
Mine production layout of a face, a face standby, the annual production capacity of 300 thousand tons per year. Face length of 250 m. Transportation Roadway belt used to transport coal, Roadway auxiliary transport used motor vehicle transport materials and waste. Mine ventilation system for mixed mode ventilation, mine early central parallel ventilation, the late hybrid ventilation..
Special subject the part is main introductive is a sum up to put the noodles crest the plank crest coal classification and research.Translate parts of topics is"the Adopt the crest of the coal work noodles plank management problem study".
Key words: fully mechanized top-coal caving face caving and drawing characteristics top-coal relative intensity rock parting classification of top-coal stability sensibility target roof structure
