关键字:图像处理 , 图像几何变换,图形绘制
Image Processing Software Design
Abstract: With the advances in computer technology, people use computers to conduct all forms of image processing, promote the development of image processing technology, people need to highlight the image processing the image according to important information, at the same time weakening or removal of unwanted information. By image processing to enhance the visual image.
This design photoshop reference to some of the functions, use delphi produced a small image processing software and a simple drawing board, The design of the main uses of computing are seeking, on average, the margin requirements, spatial transformation, binary and logical operations. This design is mainly used for 24bit bitmap, each pixel RGB through mathematics of image through a variety of different effects; these include a simple drawing board, through the use delphi which controls to achieve the basic graphics rendering.
This design is based on a production platform delphi image processing software, exposure of the main functions, binary, brightness, grayscale, contrast, anti-color, saturation, sharpening, smoothing, mosaic, any angle of rotation, the image of the narrow zoom, effects like distortion; Drawing board functions mainly linear, rectangular, round, oval drawing basic geometric shapes. The software is simple, fast, easy to use and so on.
Keywords: Image Processing, Image geometric transformation, graphics rendering
(1) 文件的基本功能,能实现对图片的简单涂鸦效果,例如:打开、保存、退出等。
(2) 能绘制基本常见的图形及不规则图形,例如:直线、矩形、圆角矩形,圆形、椭圆等。
(3) 能实现画笔及图形颜色的变化,画笔的粗细变化及橡皮擦的功能。具有颜色选择的功能,即能够实现对于每一种图形的绘制,可以选择不同的颜色来绘制。
采用Object Pascal面向对象语言,Delphi 7.0软件开发平台,具有运行速度快,操作简便容易上手,小巧精致,界面美观等特点。可以进行基本的图像处理,对不满意的数码照片进行颜色调节,或对比度调节等。
