
毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 关键词 : Delphi 6.0 MIS 数据库 模块 售票系统 ABSTRACT Train ticketing system is to facilitate the booking officers to the station managers to provide reliable and convenient tool. Its development mainly to the establishment and maintenance of databases including background and the development of two front-end applications. Delphi 6.0 and the use of object-oriented software development tools, the establishment of strong integrity, good safety database developed functions, easy to use applications. After debugging, Translation and the realization that the process friendly interface, simple programming style, using up aesthetic generous, convenient user-friendly. In particular system "enquiries module" function greatly reduce the workload of staff, and to the rapid, accurate, and other advantages replace manual operation. And the purchase, Refund, reliable and convenient service modules with the staff and passengers. Increased Station management efficiency. Keyword : Delphi 6.0 mis database module ticketing system 这个管理系统从4月1日开始着手设计开发,经过一段时间的分析,并根据对当地火车站售票管理系统的具体要求及需要本软件实现的功能,将本软件分为5个大的模块,分别是:第一部分:查询(通过输入车次或车站名同时配合日期座位类型查); |