
中文摘要 Overall management of Internet cafes management system for Internet cafes facilitate the daily operation and management of Internet cafes management platform. Through the system administrator can convenient operational aircraft, replacement, long distance communications, remote start, Member management, Internet cafes closed, and a series of daily business matters. its development mainly to the establishment and maintenance of databases including background and the development of two front-end applications. Delphi 6.0 and the use of object-oriented software development tools, the establishment of strong integrity, good safety database developed functions, easy to use applications. After debugging, Translation and the realization that the process friendly interface, simple programming style, using up aesthetic generous, convenient user-friendly. In particular system "remote control module" function greatly reduce the workload of staff, and to the rapid, accurate, and other advantages replace manually operated, and enhanced Internet cafes management efficiency. 本应用软件的基本介绍 通用网吧管理系统是一个典型的信息管理系统,其主要通过软件工程方面的选择课题、需求分析、总体设计、选用工具、程序模块、系统测试等几个步骤来实现。开发本系统的过程中,首先要对网吧管理进行系统调研,熟悉其中的会员登记登记、上机换机的流程、步骤;其次在系统需求分析过程中,要透过现象看本质,敏锐观察到网吧管理中存在的各种问题,并在总体设计把握好对问题的分析、理解,进而解决问题;选用开发工具要选用自己最熟悉、应用较多的开发工具,本系统开发选用Delphi 6.0,其具有语言简单、功能强大、组件众多的优点。程序模块的编制中,重点把握系统内部完整性、功能性、实用性、便捷性,使其能够协调统一、运行无误。