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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16313671 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313671


Sentiment ClassficationOn Short English Text With CNN
Abstract:The rapid development of the Internet has enabled everyone to express themselves and to express their opinions more freely and conveniently. Applications such as Twitter and Facebook provide the public with a platform to express their emotions. Sentimental classification gradually attracts the attention of researchers and merchants, because the correct emotional analysis is conducive to stimulating consumer spending, helping merchants to improve their own products and control of public opinion.In order to understand the public's reaction to a certain event, in order to support the analysis of the support rate and the public's sentimental tendencies for an event. For example, through movie reviews to calculatethe reputation of a movie, through the buyer's evaluation to calculatethe quality of the good. This article describes several commonly used emotional classification algorithms and introduce the development of the sentiment classification.This paper also implements a sentiment classification method based on convolutional neural networks to determine whether a short text is negative, positive or neutral. This article selected the latest film review of the Avengers IIIand another film Begin Again as a demonstration.This system is based on the python language and is developed using Pycharm and TensorFlow.
Key words:CNN;Word2Vec;Natural Language Processing;TensorFlow



目 录
1 背景    1
1.1工作目的    1
2 相关工作    2
2.1文本客观性分类    2
2.2词的极性分类    2
2.3文本情感分类    2
2.3.1 基于情感词典的文本情感分类    2
2.3.2 基于机器学习的文本情感分类    3
3 基于卷积神经网络的情感分类    3
3.1 数据处理    5
3.1.1 数据清洗    5
3.1.2 文本表示    6
3.1.3数据搜集    9
3.2卷积神经网络    11
3.2.1 TensorFlow    11
3.2.2 卷积神经网络    12
3.2.3卷积神经网络在文本中的应用    14
3.3相关优化技巧    15
3.3.1 Dropout    15
3.3.2 Early stopping    16
3.3.3  Adaptive learning rate    16
4 实验结果    16
5 总结    20
参考文献:    21
致谢    22
