4S shop customer management system based on WeChat applet development
Abstract:In the traditional manual record information management mode of 4S shop, there are often problems such as the fact that the customer data cannot be properly preserved and is not easy to be consulted later, and the customer responsible for the store is not clear. This paper mainly introduces the design and implementation of 4S customer management information system for electronicizing 4S shop customer information. The management information system is developed based on WeChat applet. The front end part uses wxml, wxss, js as language, WeChat applet development. The tool is the environment, the back end uses python as the language, and the django is used as the web framework. The functional modules implemented mainly include customer information management, appointment management, task management, and clerk management. Achieved a perfect customer data management function, convenient for employees or managers to conduct inquiries, not only can save staff time and effort, but also through the perfect task function, so that everyone's work objectives are clear, work is orderly, improve the store Benefits.
Key words:Django; WeChat applet; python; 4S shop customer management;

目 录
1绪论 1
1.1背景 1
1.2目的和意义 1
2所用技术发展现状和4S汽车管理系统发展现状 2
2.1所用技术发展现状 2
2.2 4S店售后系统 3
3系统规划 4
3.1系统开发环境 4
3.1.1微信小程序简介 4
3.1.2 python简介 7
3.1.3 Django简介 8
3.2可行性分析 8
3.2.1管理的可行性分析 8
3.2.2经济的可行性分析 8
3.2.3技术的可行性分析 8
4系统分析 9
4.1业务流程分析 9
4.1.1客户进店保养/维修业务流程图 9
4.1.2跟进客户流程图 12
4.2 数据流程分析 12
4.2.1顶层数据流图 13
4.2.2一级数据流图 13
4.2.3预约管理数据流图 14
4.2.4任务管理数据流图 14
4.2.5职员管理数据流图 15
4.3数据字典 15
5系统设计 19
5.1系统的平台设计 19
5.2总体结构设计 19
5.3功能模块设计 20
5.4数据库设计 24
5.4.1总体的E-R图 24
5.4.2各个实体的E-R图 25
5.4.3数据表设计 28
6系统实现 32
6.1登陆注册模块 32
6.1.1页面流程图 32
6.1.2页面实现截图 33
6.2客户管理模块 34
6.2.1页面流程图 34
6.2.2实现截图 34
6.2.3实现关键代码 36
6.3预约管理模块 38
6.3.1预约管理页面流程图 38
6.3.2页面截图 38
6.3.3实现关键代码 40
6.4任务模块 43
6.4.1任务流程图 43
6.4.2页面实现截图 43
6.4.3实现关键代码 44
6.5店员管理模块 45
6.5.1店员管理的页面流程图 46
6.5.2实现截图 46
6.5.3实现关键代码 47
7系统测试 48
8总结与展望 51