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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16313686 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313686

摘  要


With the development of science and technology and social progress, more and more families choose private cars instead of public transportation. Increased use of private cars means not only environmental problems such as increased per capita emissions, but also a significant increase in the use of highways, one of the "main roads of people's transport". A variety of problems follow, one of the most concerned problems is pavement temperature monitoring and early warning of high and low temperatures. In this paper, the following research is done for the long-distance temperature measurement of expressway:
Firstly, this paper makes a preliminary discussion on the development and trend of intelligent transportation at home and abroad, the development trend and importance of highway remote temperature measurement system at home and abroad, and the development prospect of highway remote temperature measurement system in the future intelligent transportation system. Then, based on the above research, the preliminary function analysis and Realization of remote temperature measurement software are carried out. The primary method of function is discussed; then, after studying Python language learning in Django framework, jQuery code base of javaScript language and plotly.js chart function, and SQLite database of SQL language, the design of web-page version of highway remote temperature measurement system software is carried out according to user needs and responsible selection of hardware design.  

Key words:Remote temperature measurement;python;software design;Django;javaScript;sql;sqlite


高速公路远程测温系统软件设计(Django,python) 高速公路远程测温系统软件设计(Django,python)

第1章 绪论    1
1.1 目的和意义    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    2
1.2.1 国内研究现状    2
1.2.2 国外研究现状    2
1.3 内容设计安排说明    3
第2章 高速公路远程测温系统方案设计    4
2.1 高速公路远程测温系统总体设计    4
2.2高速公路远程测温系统硬件方案设计    5
2.2.1 高速公路远程测温系统硬件器件选型    5
2.2.3 高速公路远程测温系统软硬件交互设计    9
第3章 高速公路远程测温系统软件设计    11
3.1 高速公路远程测温系统软件总体架构设计    11
3.1.1软件系统架构设计    11
3.1.2登录界面及权限管理设计    12
3.1.3数据管理功能设计    16
3.1.4单一高速公路及单一传感器数据查询模块查询模块设计    27
3.1.5高速公路远程测温系统软件实时预警功能设计    30
3.2系统软件设计思路及实现步骤研究    33
3.2.1软件设计流程    33
3.2.2软件设计语言背景    34
第4章 高速公路远程测温系统应用实例    36
4.1 高速公路远程测温系统软件启动和运行    36
4.2 高速公路远程测温系统高速公路实时温度显示    38
4.3 高速公路远程测温系统的温度实时预警    39
第5章 总结与展望    40
参考文献    41
致  谢    43
