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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16313700 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313700


Home Internet of Things Design Based on ESP32
Abstract:Today, mobile communication has experienced four generations of development. Smartphones have completely subverted the way we work,study,socialize, and entertain. This article is based on ESP32, with STM32 as the core control chip and designs an IoT control system that can be compatible with ordinary household appliances, including ESP32 module, infrared encoding circuit,Android mobile phone APP, BME280 temperature and humidity sensor, RGB light adjustable circuit, The human body infrared sensor and the microporous atomization chip module.It can send the temperature and humidity to the mobile phone APP through the ESP32, and realize the control of the Internet of Things,lighting, and humidifier's Internet of Things.It can achieve the control of the mobile phone networking without upgrading the traditional home appliances and simple automated task settings.

Key words:
STM32;Smart home;Android client;esp32;wireless communication


1 绪论    1
1.1研究背景及意义    1
1.2 国内外现状    1
1.3主要研究内容    2
2 系统方案设计    2
2.1 系统设计任务    2
2.2 系统设计框图    3
3 开发方法的选择与论证    3
3.1 开发平台的选择和论证    3
3.2通讯协议的选择与论证    4
3.3温湿度检测电路的选择与论证    5
3.4.硬件电路设计    6
3.4.1 STM32最小系统设计    6
3.4.2 红外发射与接收电路    7
3.4.3 ESP32最小系统    9
3.4.4 BME280温湿度传感器    12
3.4.5 RGB控制电路    12
3.4.6 人体红外传感器HC-SR501    13
3.4.7 微孔雾化片    14
第四章系统程序设计    14
4.1软件开发环境简介    14
4.2软件设计流程图    15
4.3 程序功能简介    16
4.3.1 esp32程序源码    16
4.3.2空调红外编码    17
第五章 Android 客户端的设计与实现    18
5.1IDE选择与开发环境搭建    18
5.2 Android项目结构    18
5.3  Android 客户端的组成和实现    20
5.3.1 界面设计    20
5.3.2 UDP通信    20
5.3.3 交互设计    21
第六章总结与展望    21
6.1总结    21
6.2展望    22
参考文献    22
致谢    23
