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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16313701 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313701


Design of intelligent home control system based on Internet of things
Abstract:This article introduces the principle and design of the automatic dry hand ,infrared automatic hand dryer is a small part of the Internet of things, Intelligent Home Furnishing has the advantages of simple operation and convenient use, it plays a very important role in people’s daily life. not only convenient, and beautiful appearance .The automatic hand dryer is composed of a single chip microcomputer, an infrared template, a crystal oscillator circuit, a relay circuit, etc.. When the body is near infrared detection, automatic generation control circuit of blowing dry hands, greatly facilitate people's life,.It can be widely used in family life, schools, station, airport, and shopping malls or other places.
Key words:Smart home; single chip microcomputer; Infrared,hand dryer
目 录
1绪论    6
1.1目的与意义    6
1.2国内外发展现状    6
1.3智能家居的种类    6
2 设计方案    7
2.1设计内容    7
2.2设计原则    7
2.3设计方案    7
3 元器件介绍    8
3.1单片机STC89C52介绍    8
3.2红外线模板    10
3.2.1红外线发展    10
3.2.2注意事项    11
3.3继电器     11
3.4自动干手器的基本组成     12
3.4.1 晶振电路    12
3.4.2位电路      13
3.4.3继电器电路     15
4 软件设计     17
4.1软件设计介绍      17
4.2主程序设计     17
4.3关键技术    17
5系统制作及调试     18
5.1 系统制作     18
5.2硬件调试     18
5.3软件调试    18
5.4电路调试    19
5.5整机调试      20
5.6实物图    20
6程序编写与调试    22
6.1 Keil编译器软件简介    22
6.2使用Keil软件建立一个工程    23
7结论    25
8参考文献     26
9 感谢语     27
10附录    28
