Parking Lot Management System Based on RFID
Abstract :Nowadays, the increasing number of vehicles leads to the increasing demand for parking lots. Many parking lots manage parking lots manually, which not only leads to slow traffic, but also causes accidents such as car slipping and collision when parking tickets on uphill or downhill. The use of RFID technology to manage parking lot basically does not require human participation, has superior anti-pollution ability; recognition distance is long, can reach tens of meters; tag life is long; reader identification tag speed is fast; low price and other advantages. Therefore, it is very meaningful to design an intelligent management system based on RFID. This design mainly adopts the technology of RFID and MCU. Firstly, the parameters and performance of the peripherals and main control chips are introduced. Then, the overall circuit design is introduced Nowadays, the increasing number of vehicles leads to the increasing demand for parking lots. Many parking lots manage parking lots manually, which not only leads to slow traffic, but also causes accidents such as car slipping and collision when parking tickets on uphill or downhill. The use of RFID technology to manage parking lot basically does not require human participation, has superior anti-pollution ability; recognition distance is long, can reach tens of meters; tag life is long; reader identification tag speed is fast; low price and other advantages. Therefore, it is very meaningful to design an intelligent management system based on RFID. This design mainly adopts the technology of RFID and MCU. Firstly, the parameters and performance of the peripherals and main control chips are introduced. Then, the overall circuit design is introduced from the aspect of hardware design. Then, the functions of each circuit are analyzed. Finally, the software flow chart and the core code of each process are introduced. In this paper, the demonstration results of the system and the explanations of the core code of each process are also presented. Experience summary of this design.from the aspect of hardware design. Then, the functions of each circuit are analyzed. Finally, the software flow chart and the core code of each process are introduced. In this paper, the demonstration results of the system and the explanations of the core code of each process are also presented. Experience summary of this design.
Key words:Parking lot;RFID;Intelligent Management System

1.绪论 1
1.1 课题的背景 1
1.2 选题的国内外研究现状 1
1.3 选题的研究内容 1
1.4 运用的技术和工具 1
1.4.1 RFID 技术 2
1.4.2 单片机技术 2
2. 系统硬件选型 2
2.1 系统主控芯片 2
2.1.1 stm32f103c8t6单片机简介 3
2.1.2 stm32f103c8t6引脚说明 4
2.2 非接触式IC 卡 5
2.2.1 MIFARE 1 S50简介 5
2.2.2 MIFARE1 S50 性能 5
2.2.3 MIFARE1 S50 通信原理 6
2.3 RFID 射频芯片 7
2.3.1 MF RC522 参数和特征 7
2.3.2 MF RC522 组成结构 7
2.3.3 MF RC522引脚说明 8
2.3.4 Tx驱动器 10
2.3.5 MF RC522的SPI通信…………………...……………………...……...………... 11
2.4 OLED12864液晶显示器 11
2.4.1 OLED12864引脚说明…………………………………………………………...12
3. 电路设计 14
3.1 系统总体设计 14
3.2 蜂鸣器提示电路设计 15
3.3 工作模式选择电路 15
3.4 RFID模块电路 16
3.5 串口屏显示电路设计 17
4.软件系统设计 19
4.1系统整体流程 19
4.2寻卡 20
4.3 防碰撞机制 20
4.4 选卡 21
4.5读卡 22
4.6扣费和钱包备份 22
5.系统测试 24
5.1 注册测试 24
5.2 进场测试 25
5.3 出场测试 26
6.结束语 27
参考文献 28
致谢 29