Smart Tourism System Based on RFID¬——Display Circuit Design
Abstract:With the improvement of people's living standards, the development of tourism is booming. Every holiday, each big scenic area people mountain people sea, the status quo of the water is difficult to let passengers have comfortable travel experience. Taking the lead in obtaining the tourist flow of the scenic spot can greatly facilitate the passengers to decide whether to travel or not and determine the travel destination. Based on this purpose, the design scheme determines the passenger flow acquisition mode for RFID reader read and write tag tickets to process the obtained data, and finally reflects the number of scenic spots in real time to the web page and electronic screen for tourists to obtain information. This design is a team project, I am responsible for the hardware display module. This paper first describes the background of curriculum research and the development of related technologies at home and abroad, and then briefly introduces the principles and system components of RFID technology; Then, the design idea of the whole system is explained, and the design process and implementation process of the display circuit are described in detail. In the later part of the paper, the design results and failure solutions are analyzed. finally, the overall design is summarized and the future prospects are put forward.
Key words:RFID; Electronic label; OLED; Intelligent tourism

第一章绪论 1
1.1研究的背景 1
1.2国内外相关技术的发展现状 1
1.2.1物联网技术国内外发展现状 1
1.2.2 RFID技术发展现状 2
1.3论文内容简介 3
1.3本章小结 3
第二章 RFID技术原理及系统组成 3
2.1 RFID工作原理 3
2.2 RFID系统组成 4
2.2.1标签 4
2.2.2读写器 4
2.2.3数据管理系统 4
2.3 RFID的商业应用 4
2.4本章小结 4
第三章系统的设计 5
3.1智慧旅游系统 5
3.1.1系统总体要求 5
3.1.2整体系统设计思路 5
3.1.3整体系统框架 5
3.1.4整体系统设计难点 5
3.1.5整体系统的电路设计 6
3.2显示电路 6
3.2.1显示电路设计要求 6
3.2.2显示电路设计思路 7
3.2.3显示电路设计框架 7
3.2.4显示电路的电路设计 8
3.3本章小结 8
第四章显示电路的实现 8
4.1显示电路元器件确认 8
4.1.1芯片——STM32F103C8T6 8
4.1.2显示屏——OLED液晶显示屏 9
4.1.3其他元器件 9
4.2显示电路原理图 10
4.3显示电路程序设计思路 10
4.4显示电路设计的制作 10
4.5本章小结 11
第五章实验结果与分析 12
5.1实验结果展示 12
5.1.1整体系统实验结果 12
5.1.2显示电路实验结果 13
5.2实验结果分析 15
5.2.1整体系统实验结果分析 15
5.3实验中遇到的问题及探讨 16
5.4方案评价 16
5.5本章小结 16
第六章总结与展望 17
6.1论文总结 17
6.2思考与展望 17
参考文献: 18
致谢 20
附录 21