而移动通信技术的广泛应用,使得基于终端的各行各业的信息化解决方案层出不穷,大大提高了使用单位和企业的办公效率,其中基于 iOS 平台开发的系统是实用性较强、普及率较高的移动终端应用。
本系统立足维护需求,主要管理各类设备的出入库操作、设备状态查询、用户管理及维护事务性公告等,所开发的移动办公系统,是使用 Swift 语言开发的一款基于 iOS 平台的掌上设备维护管理系统,能够在智能手机及平板电脑上进行运行,实现对设备维护的日常管理,能实现移动中进行存取、查询等操作。
本设计是在 Mac OS X 系统之下,基于 iOS 开发平台,利用 Realm 数据库和 LeanCloud 云服务实现的开发工作,基本实现了诸如本地增改删查、服务器交互之类的操作。
关键词:iOS 开发;设备维护管理;Realm 数据库;移动办公
With the rapid advances in computer science and information technology, enterprise development and continue to expand the scale, so that the type and number of devices within the enterprise has been growing, but companies are often more prone to changes in personnel, equipment, variety, use frequent transfers and other issues, leading to the device can not be effectively managed, even a serious loss and other problems, resulting in loss of business. Therefore, companies need to be able to efficiently collect information on these essential devices, and these data collation and analysis of standardized, so as to reduce the burden on enterprises managers and employees face and ensure efficiency and accuracy of enterprise equipment management and maintenance.
The wide application of mobile communication technology, makes terminal-based industries of information technology solutions emerging, greatly improving the efficiency of the office units and enterprises, where the iOS platform development system is based on strong practical and high penetration rate of the mobile terminal applications.
The system is based on the need for maintenance, warehousing operations, key management device status query various types of equipment, user management and maintenance of transactional reports etc., the development of mobile office system, using Swift language development of a platform for handheld devices based on iOS maintenance management system can be run on smart phones and tablet PCs, to achieve the maintenance of daily management, can be realized in a mobile access, query and other operations.
This design is under Mac OS X system, iOS-based development platform, database and use Realm LeanCloud cloud service implementation of development work, the basic realization of such additions and changes to delete local search, server interactions such operations.
Key Words: iOS Development;Equipment Maintenance and Management;Realm Database;Mobile Office

第1章绪论 4
1.1 系统实现目的及意义 4
1.2 国内外研究现状分析 5
第2章设备维护系统的需求分析 6
2.1 设备维护系统的设计目标 6
2.2 设备维护系统的模块需求分析 6
2.2.1 设备管理系统 6
2.2.2 移动办公系统 7
2.2.3 iOS系统 7
2.2.4 设备维护系统所使用的数据库 7
2.3 设备维护系统的功能分析 7
2.4 设备维护系统的技术路线 9
第3章设备维护系统的总体设计 10
3.1 设备维护系统的功能设计 10
3.1.1 系统架构 10
3.1.2 系统交互结构 11
3.2 设备维护系统的流程设计 11
3.2.1 用户管理模块 11
3.2.2 库存管理模块 14
3.2.3 数据查询 15
3.3 设备维护系统的数据库设计 16
3.3.1 用户模型 16
3.3.2 设备模型 16
3.3.3 出入库记录模型 17
3.3.4 消息通知模型 17
第4章设备维护系统的具体实现 18
4.1 应用启动界面 18
4.2 设备状态查询界面 18
4.3 登录界面 20
4.4 注册界面 22
4.5 用户状态界面 23
4.6 出入库界面 24
4.7 消息通知界面 27
第5章设备维护系统测试及性能分析 29
5.1 设备维护系统的单元测试 29
5.2 设备维护系统的功能测试 30
5.3 设备维护系统的性能测试 33
5.3.1 性能分析 33
5.3.2 性能测试 36
第6章总结 37
参考文献 38
致谢 39