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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16313732 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313732

 关键词:校园论坛;微信Web开发者工具;云开发; JavaScript

Design and implementation of BBS in campus based on WeChat small program
Abstract:In recent years, WeChat has developed rapidly and gradually integrated into People's Daily life. And because WeChat allows users to develop their own small programs, WeChat not only has the instant messaging function of traditional social software, but also has the functions of friend circle, game center, public platform, WeChat payment and WeChat small programs.WeChat-based small program BBS campus added users in the student this identity communication way, for the daily life between teachers and students to provide a convenient. This paper is based on WeChat Web developer tools, design and development of a campus BBS small program. The main development language of this small program is JavaScript, and in the WeChat Web developer tool, the use of cloud development functions without the need to build a server to provide complete cloud functions. This small procedure has realized the BBS post release, the search, the deletion function, as well as the moderator's application and the forbidden speech recovery function. In addition, this small procedure realizes the private message function between the users.
Keyword:campus BBS; WeChat Web developer tools; Cloud development; JavaScript

微信web开发者工具是微信官方提供的帮助开发者进行小程序或小游戏开发的工具,拥有开发,调试代码,浏览,向服务器上传和发布等功能。微信团队为了更好的让开发者进行开发工作,官方创建了微信开发的社区用来进行交流讨论,也发布了微信小程序的设计指南、开发文档和开发者工具。集成了代码编写软件、开发试验调整及小程序发布等功能的开发工具,可以使开发者高效率和简单地开发微信小程序。 微信Web开发者工具提供6种调试模式,分别为console、sources、network、storage、appData和wxml ,它们在不同角度提供调试功能,方便不断对程序进行修改。其中console控制台是用来显示信息的,sources是表现当前所有的脚本文件的,newwork是用来表现网络信息,storage是用来表现数据的存储情况,appData是表现项目中的具体数据,而wxml则是表示了页面的样式。


目  录
1.引言    1
2.开发工具和技术介绍    1
2.1 JavaScript简介    1
2.2 微信Web开发者工具简介    2
2.3 云开发简介    3
3. 需求分析    4
3.1 系统功能模型    4
3.2 用例模型    6
4. 系统设计    8
4.1 概要设计    8
4.2模块详细设计    10
4.2.1用户操作流程    10
4.2.2帖子删除模块详细设计    11
4.3数据库设计    12
4.3.1概念结构设计    12
4.3.2 逻辑结构设计    16
5. 系统实现    18
5.1进入界面    19
5.2发布帖子    20
5.3搜索帖子    21
5.4帖子详情    23
5.5贴子评论    24
5.6发送私信    25
5.7版主禁言    26
5.8‘我的’页面    27
5.9管理员登录    28
5.10 消息中心    29
5.11版主申请    31
5.12个人帖子    32
5.13版主管理    34
5.14 帖子管理    35
5.15评论管理    36
5.16 版块管理    37
5.17 统计    38
6.结束语    39
致谢    41
