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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16313743 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313743

关键词:微信小程序 电影 API
WeChat miniprogram is an application that can be used without installation in 2017. It is divided into small program, subscription number, enterprise number and service number.Due to the limitations of traditional APP in the production and promotion, small programs have become more and more vital, and they are also the focus of research and development in the future.The applet is mainly composed of the global configuration file plus the page configuration file and the sitemap configuration file. The files such as json, wxml, wxss, js and the like constitute the code of the applet. The rich applet component and API are very important parts of the applet.
This paper is based on the WeChat applet-based film sharing website. The focus of this article is on the construction of the page and function of the website and the processing of movie information.In the construction of the website page, the focus is on the application of various components, such as: scroll-view component, swipe slider view container, button button and page connection jump component.An important role of the API is to provide a common set of functions. By calling API functions, programming tasks can be greatly reduced.The role of API in this paper is mainly life cycle function, call of listener function, request instruction of database, various application-level events, application of interface interaction, etc.
In the end, this paper implements the construction of the movie sharing website. The main functions include the latest release, upcoming movie, movie list, movie introduction, movie search and other functions.The site works fine on development tools and mobile phones.
Keywords: miniprogrammovie  API


第一章 绪论    1
1.1选题目的及意义    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    1
1.3 本文结构安排    2
第二章 电影分享网站的设计    3
2.1 开发者工具    3
2.2 设计内容    3
第三章 微信小程序的详细介绍    4
3.1 小程序开发准备    4
3.2 开发工具的使用    5
3.3 小程序的框架分析    6
3.3.1 框架全局文件    6
3.3.2 工具类文件    7
3.3.3 框架页面文件    7
3.4 小程序的UI构建    8
3.4.1 视图容器组件    8
3.4.2 基础内容组件    9
3.4.3 表单组件    10
3.4.4 导航组件    11
3.4.5 媒体组件    12
3.5 微信小程序API    12
3.5.1 请求服务器数据API    13
3.5.2 文件上传与下载API    13
3.5.3 图片处理API    14
3.5.4 文件操作API    14
3.5.5 位置信息API    15
3.5.6 交互反馈API    15
第四章 功能的分析与实现    16
4.1 准备工作    16
4.2页面设计实现与数据分析    16
4.2.1 海报界面设计    16
4.2.2海报一栏设计    18
4.2.3 主体页面设计    19
4.2.4页签分析    20
4.2.5 榜单页面分析    20
4.2.6 电影简介页面    21
4.2.7搜索页面和‘我的’    23
第五章 总结与展望    24
5.1 总结    24
5.2 展望    24
参考文献    25
致谢    26
