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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16313745 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313745

关键词微信公众平台  电子商务  SSM框架B/S结构

E-commerce usually refers to a wide range of commercial trade activities around the world in the Internet open network environment, based on B/S structure .By E-commerce, buyers and sellers don’t need to met for various business activities, it realize consumer online shopping. E-commerce is also support online transactions between merchants and online electronic payment and various activities such as: business activities financial activities and related comprehensive service.
WeChat is a famous domestic online interactive marketing platform in China.Through WeChat, users can visit the web site on the platform, to achieve multiple services on the same application.
This thesis first introduces the background and current development of E-commerce, and then the related technologies are introduced, then the demand analysis, finally combining with requirements describe the whole process of design and implementation of the whole system. This system adopts B/S structure design, main part is based on J2EE, using mysql database for data management. To ensure that the user experience is good and fully function, I designed system in standardization, security, reliability. As the system operator to the identity of the intermediaries involved in the process of e-commerce, itself does not produce goods, in this design company only need to take total orders issued to the company to sale goods.
Key Words  WeChat   E-commerce   SSM framework    B/S structure



第1章 绪论    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.2 研究意义    1
1.3 国内现状    1
1.4 设计内容与层次结构    2
1.5 本章小结    3
第2章 相关技术介绍    4
2.1微信公众平台    4
2.2 J2EE    4
2.3 SSM框架    5
2.4 Mysql    5
2.5 Tomcat    6
2.6 CentOS    6
2.7 本章小结    6
第3章 系统需求分析    7
3.1 用户分析    7
3.1.1基础用户    7
3.1.2 管理员    7
3.2 流程分析    8
3.3 优惠券    8
3.3.1优惠券设计    8
3.3.2 业务流程设计    9
3.4 订单生命周期    10
3.5 库存分析    10
3.6 月销量设计    10
3.7 本章小结    11
第4章 系统设计    12
4.1系统结构设计    12
4.2 ssm框架集    13
4.3 数据库设计    14
4.4 微信公众平台    20
4.5 服务器搭建    22
4.6本章小结    23
第5章 系统关键功能模块设计    24
5.1 用户注册,忘记密码功能    24
5.2 用户登录权限控制    25
5.3 优惠券模块    26
5.3.1 优惠券领取    26
5.3.2 优惠券使用    27
5.4 地址模块    28
5.5 购物车模块    29
5.6 订单模块    30
5.6.1 订单下达    30
5.6.2 订单取消    31
5.6.3 订单支付    31
5.7 本章小结    32
第6章 总结与展望    33
6.1 总结    33
6.2 展望    34
参考文献    35
致谢    36
