Wuhan university of Technology is divided into two campuses, and the horses well overcampus and campus.And horsearea also points for campus, the teachers and studentsin several campus shuttle is not very convenient, and the school bus is not at any time, bicyclesmetimes is not convenient.So when the lift is a choice, and considering the lift is only for schoolteachers and students to use, so do ride a campus dedicated to serving the school teachers and students.Now also is causing the appearance of new tide of small programs, small program occupy less memory and increases with the increasing use delete very convenient, so I decided todesign a micro letter campus lift small programs.Small program to determine the small programinterface, the initial interface, registration and login interface.Also identified the login registratiofunction, which is divided into the driver registration and student registration.Also identifiedthe release along the car, choice of lift, personal information to view, personal opinions andpayment functions. Small program mainly use app.js, app.json, pp.wxss and app.wxml front-endlanguage such as the registered login screen, publish lift interface, complaints, personal informtinand choose to lift function interface.Then from js post request to background, the background befinally to realize the function.After programming, and a series of debugging small program toachieve the related functions,and after many people use can achieve the function of smallprogramsrelated.
Keywords:small micro program;Campus hitching a ride;Function;Interface;The front end.

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究的背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外发展现状 2
1.3论文的研究内容及章节安排 2
第2章 开发平台介绍 4
2.1微信小程序介绍 4
2.2微信小程序的开发 4
第3章 系统的需求分析 6
3.1系统需求分析 6
3.1.1系统的总体要求 6
3.1.2系统的功能需求分析 6
3.1.3系统的模块划分 7
第4章 系统的设计 8
4.1 注册登录模块的设计 8
4.2顺风车模块的设计 9
4.2 顺风车模块流程图 9
4.3个人信息模块的设计 10
第5章 系统的实现 12
5.1系统的界面实现 12
5.2系统的后台实现 14
5.2.1系统构建API 14
5.2.2系统框架搭建 14
5.2.3系统数据库实现 14
5.2.4 顺风车相关功能的实现 17
5.2.5 用户功能的实现 17
5.2.6 用户反馈功能的实现 17
第6章 系统功能的测试 19
6.1用户功能的测试 19
6.2 顺风车功能的测试 21
6.3个人信息功能的测试 24
6.4 反馈意见功能的测试 25
6.5 其他功能的测试 25
第7章 总结与展望 28
7.1总结 28
7.2 研究展望 29
参考文献 30
致 谢 31