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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16313753 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313753

在复杂网络中,对网络节点的中心性(或称影响力、重要性)的评估一直以来都是一个重要的研究主题。节点的影响力直接决定了网络的性质和特点,在搜索引擎、社交网络、电力系统、生物生态系统等诸多领域有着重要的应用。本文首先对度中心性(Degree centrality)、介数中心性(Betweenness centrality)、Pagerank等方法进行了回顾和分析,接着信息熵/信息维度模型和k-medoid聚类模型进行了深入的分析,并基于这两种方法的基础上提出了一种k-path optimization算法,该算法相较于之前的方法,显著降低了计算复杂度,并且在小世界网络上效果十分突出。
研究结果表明:k-path optimization算法相较于之前的方法,显著降低了计算复杂度,并且在小世界网络上效果十分突出。
本文的特色:提出了k-path optimization算法、提出了基于雷达图的多维度节点影响力评估方法。

In complex networks, the assessment of the centrality of nodes has always been afundamental issue. The influence of the node directly determines the nature and characteristics of the network, and has important applications in many fields such as search engines, social networks, power systems, and biological ecosystems. In this paper, the methods Degree centrality, Betweenness centrality and Pagerank are reviewed and analyzed. Then the information entropy/information dimension model and k-medoid clustering model are deeply analyzed. Based on these two methods, a k-path optimization algorithm is proposed. Compared withprevious methods, the algorithm in this paper significantly reduces the computational complexity and is very effective on Small-world Networks.
The paper mainly studies the information entropy/information dimension model and the feasibility of the optimization method similar to the k-medoid method. Then the proposed algorithm is optimized, tested and compared with other methods. In addition, this paper also proposes a multi-dimensional node influence evaluation method based on radar chart, which changes the traditional way of evaluation by a single centrality.
The research results show that the k-path optimization algorithm significantly reduces the computational complexity compared with the previous method, and the effect is very prominent on the small world network.
The characteristics of this paper: The k-path optimization algorithm is proposed, and the multi-dimensional node influence evaluation method based on radar chart is proposed.
Key Words:Machine Learning;Complex Network;Node Influence;Small-world Network;Communication Influence

本文首先介绍识别复杂网络中各个重要节点的方法,然后将会介绍信息维度方法、聚类方法、传播模型和小世界网络,最后在此基础上介绍了本人设计的基于机器学习的复杂网络节点影响力分析方法和基于该方法之上的一种新的网络节点重要性评估模型:k-path optimization。本课题将会考虑在小世界网络上进行快速的中心节点定位,这种方法很容易应用在实际的网络上,具有很好的研究前景。


第1章绪论    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    1
1.2.1 复杂网络节点    1
1.2.2 机器学习    2
1.3 本文研究工作与内容安排    3
第2章基于结构的中心性指标评价方法    4
2.1 度中心性    4
2.2 介数中心性    4
2.3 Pagerank    7
2.4 紧密度中心性    8
2.5 本地中心性    9
2.6 本章小结    10
第3章基于传播的中心性指标及相关分析    11
3.1信息维度    11
3.1.1局部维度Local dimension    11
3.1.2信息熵    11
3.1.3节点信息维度    12
3.2聚类分析    13
3.2.1信息传递概率矩阵    13
3.2.2聚类算法k-medoid方法    14
3.3小世界网络    15
3.4本章小结    16
第4章 k-path optimization方法    17
4.1最大值迭代算法(k-path optimization)    17
4.2测试    20
4.2.1算法效果    20
4.2.2时间复杂度    22
4.2.3空间复杂度    22
4.3基于雷达图的多维度影响力分析    23
4.4本章小结    24
第5章总结与讨论    25
5.1结论    25
5.2展望    25
参考文献    26
致谢    31
