摘 要
With the rapid development of information processing technology, information processing based on computer network has become a necessary system for people to manage information. With the rapid development of the Internet today, the Internet has become an important channel for people to quickly obtain, release and transmit information. It has become a part of social life. United media website design and production of information processing of computerization, networking, is to achieve the united media website design and production of modernization and information basis, is also convenient for users to quickly query the relevant information on the united media website an important tool. Compared with the traditional united media website design and production of information processing mode, united media website design and production has incomparable advantages.
The design and production of the joint media website studied in this paper is based on the current popular B/S structure and adopts html5 technology for development and design. Through the department. The main functions include: enterprise introduction, business scope, big events, corporate culture, meetings and activities, staff life, youth role models, recruitment functions. This system passes the test, the operation effect is stable, the operation is convenient, is quick, is a function comprehensive, the practicability is good, the security is high, and has the good expandability, the maintainability union media website design and the manufacture.
Keywords:United media website; Security; Network technology; Development background

目 录
第一章 概述 2
1.1 联合传媒网站开发背景 2
1.2 研究的意义 2
1.3 研究的内容 3
第二章 相关技术介绍 4
2.1 HTML5介绍 4
2.2 CSS3介绍 4
2.3 B/S架构 4
第三章 系统需求分析 6
3.1 可行性分析 6
3.1.1 技术可行性 6
3.1.2 经济可行性 6
3.1.3 操作可行性 6
3.2 系统性能分析 7
3.3 系统结构分析 7
3.3.1逻辑结构 7
3.3.2物理结构 7
第四章 系统功能实现 9
4.1 首页界面 9
4.2 企业介绍 9
4.3 业务范围 10
4.4 新闻动态 10
4.5 大事件 10
4.6 企业文化 11
4.7 会议活动 12
4.8员工生活 12
4.9 青春榜样 13
4.10 招贤纳士 13
第五章 系统测试 14
5.1 测试方法 14
5.2 测试分析 14
5.3 测试结论 15
第六章 结论 16