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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16313771 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313771

摘 要
基于此本文设计一套数据查询和管理系统,通过计算机来存储,查询,并修改数据,前台用Visual Studio 2010构建查询界面,采用C#编写后台代码,用oracle存储数据,通过登录时对权限的设定来划分使用者级别,通过树状图添加节点的方式来显示数据,以按钮事件下编写代码的方式来调用SQL语句查询数据。

关键词:oracle;SQL语句;动态查询;Visual Studio 2010

With the rapid development of computer technology, the original means of pen and paper to record data will be eliminated inevitably,these must be replaced by computer to record and store data,a lot of tedious work can be simplified by a computer,for Oilfield, in order to the secure and profits,the parameters of each well need to be monitored constantly,the huge amount of data make staff fall into the dilemma of Data entry and records,because of large amounts of data in real time need to be recorded,error becomes inevitable.
Based on this a management system has been designed,data can be stored,queried,modified by computer,the query interface was build by Visual Studio 2010,the background code was written by c#,data was stored by oracle,the different user levels were divided by the setting in login form,the data was displayed by adding nodes on treeview,the code was written for using SQL to query data.
The system was consisted by two major components,a login screen and a query screen.All the information will be added automatically by only selecting one login privileges.data can be added,modified,deleted by the options on the menu,making users and database interactive.

Key words: oracle; SQL Sentence; query dynamic data; Visual Studio 2010

目 录
第1章 概述    1
1.1 研究背景及意义    1
1.2 国内外发展概况    1
1.3 研究内容    3
1.4 论文的安排    3
第2章 系统开发平台介绍    4
2.1 Visual Studio 2010    4
2.2 oracle数据库    4
2.3 本章小结    5
第3章 数据库设计    6
3.1 数据表设计    6
3.2 创建用户并赋予权限    7
3.3 数据表逻辑    9
3.4 本章小结    9
第4章 系统总体设计    11
4.1 需求分析    11
4.2 系统框架设计    11
4.3 系统运行环境及技术    11
4.4 VS与数据库的连接    12
4.5 功能模块    13
4.6 本章小结    25
结 论    26
参考文献    27
致 谢    28
