OPC是基于Windows的OLE、COM和DCOM技术,它是一项通用的工业标准,实现了应用软件和各种设备驱动程序之间的通讯,减少了系统集成过程中的重复工作。基于OPC规范,设计开发具有较强通用性、面向过程数据通讯的OPC中间数据服务技术。通过该数据服务技术,可以实时、准确的获得最新的现场数据,安全、可靠的对现场设备进行控制。首先对OPC技术进行综述,分别介绍OPC技术的背景及发展趋势。着重阐述OPC技术的规范、OPC的接口技术以及OPC服务器/客户端设计与开发的关键问题。然后按照OPC标准、属性和方法,解析OPC数据访问规范,设计出实时数据共享技术的开发架构,并提出主要技术研究内容。最后,利用Visual Studio 2010软件编写客户端程序,设计出相应的网站,通过该网站能够准确、快速地读取到油田日常生产中的实时数据,从而实现实时数据的共享。
OPC is based on Window's OLE、COM and DCOM technology, it is a common industry standard which realizes the communication between the application software and a variety of device drivers, and reduces the repetitive work in the system integration process. Based on OPC standard, the OPC intermediate data service technology which has strong generality and faces to process data communication is designed and developed. Through the data service technology, the newest field data can be obtained accurately in real-time,and the field equipment can be controlled safely and reliably. Firstly, the OPC technology is summarized, the background and the development tendency of OPC technology is introduced respectively. The OPC standard、the interface technology of OPC and the key problem of the design and development of OPC Server/Client are expounded emphatically. Then, according to the OPC standard、 properties and methods ,the OPC data access standard is analyzed, the development framework of the real-time data sharing technology is designed, and the primary technology research contents are raised. Finally, a client program is written by using Visual Studio 2010 software, and the corresponding website is designed. Through the website, the real-time data in production of oil fields can be read quickly and accurately so as to realize the sharing of real-time data.
Key words:OPC standard;real-time data;data sharing

目 录
第1章 概述 1
1.1 课题研究的目的及意义 1
1.2 国内外现状及发展趋势 2
1.3 本课题研究的主要内容 2
第2章 OPC技术基础知识 4
2.1 OPC概述 4
2.2 OPC技术基础 5
2.3 OPC技术规范 9
2.4 OPC服务器的设计与开发 13
2.5 OPC客户端的设计与开发 14
2.6 本章小结 14
第3章 OPC规范的油田实时数据共享技术研究 16
3.1 多线程与SOCKET通讯 16
3.2 OCX控件实现API函数 20
3.3 中间服务器数据缓存 25
3.4 客户端数据可视化展示 26
3.5 本章小结 28
第4章 实时数据共享技术的设计 29
4.1 OPC接口规范解析技术的设计与应用 29
4.2 多线程流程图的设计 31
4.3 实时数据共享界面的设计 32
4.4 数据异常实时监控界面的设计 33
4.5 AJAX异步与定时器结合的数据呈现技术的应用与设计 34
4.6 实时数据多种展示方式图的设计 35
4.7 本章小结 36
结论 37
参考文献 38
致谢 39
附录 40