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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1636591 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1636591

在这个信息爆炸的时代,我们的信息被越来越多地放在了磁盘,而U盘就成为了我们将这些信息随身携带的绝佳的工具。黑客们正是看到了这一点,便打起了利用U 盘来传递有“毒”信息的主意,于是U盘病毒便横空出世。U盘病毒的出现,使越来越多的人都受到其害。本文主要介绍了U盘病毒的主要症状,分析了病毒的攻击 原理,为提早预防U盘病毒建立了免疫文件夹,对U盘进行查杀时,扫描出病毒并且手动删除,还实现了进程管理等功能。病毒利用了系统的自动运行功能,U盘插 入到机器后能够自动运行,然而这项功能是通过根目录下的自动运行文件实现的。这个文件一般是一个具有隐藏属性的系统文件,保存着一系列命令,告知系统新插 入的U盘应该自动运行什么程序。U盘病毒就是利用了这个特点,使自动运行文件与病毒程序相关联,当用户在点击打开磁盘的时候,就会自动执行相关的病毒文 件。而实现免疫功能就是对自动播放文件进行操作。
U盘病毒;autorun.inf ;免疫程序;U盘管理程序
U dish virus immunity and management program design
In this age of information explosion, more and more of our information is stored in the disk, now the U disk has became a great tool to store our important information that we can carry. The hackers have known this, then they hope to use of U disk to transfer their "poisonous" information, so the U disk virus appeared. U disk widespread all kinds of the virus, many people have been harmed by them. This paper mainly introduces that the main symptoms of the U disk virus, analysis of the virus attack principle. Establishment of immune folder is to advance the prevention of U disk virus. On the U disk scan virus killing, and manually delete. Moreover, It realizes the functions such as process management. Virus utilizes the system features automatic operation and U disk inserted into the machine to automatically run. However, this function is the root directory of the files to achieve automatic operation. This file is usually with the hidden attribute system file, save a series of commands, inform the system of the newly inserted U disk should be automatically run the program what. U disk virus use this characteristic, they enable autorun files associated with the virus program. When the user click on the disk, automatically executes the virus file.And the realization of immune function is to automatically play the file operation.
Key words:
the U disk virus; autorun.inf; the immune program; U disk management program
引言    1
1.开发背景    1
1.1 U盘病毒的主要症状    1
1.2 U盘病毒攻击原理    1
1.3 U盘病毒隐藏方式    2
2.需求分析    4
2.1 U盘病毒免疫    4
2.2可行性分析    5
3. U盘病毒免疫程序的设计    7
3.1 U盘病毒免疫程序查杀功能的设计    8
3.2安全设置功能设计    11
3.3免疫功能设计    11
3.4 系统工具箱功能设计    12
3.5进程管理设计    12
3.6关于面板的设计    12
4.软件编码与实现    13
4.1 开发环境与工具    13
4.2免疫功能的实现    13
4.3安全设置功能的实现    14
4.4 U盘病毒查杀功能的实现    15
4.5卸载功能的实现    16
4.6 系统工具箱的实现    17
4.7进程管理器的实现    19
4.8程序后台运行功能的实现    22
5.系统测试    23
6.结束语    24
参考文献    25
致谢    26
附录    27
