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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1636601 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1636601

网络购物作为电子商务的一种形式,已成为现今主流消费方式。团购作为一种新的网购方式,因低价、高质量迅速抢占传统的网购市场。它适应了当今社会快节奏地生活,使顾客足不出户便可以方便快捷轻松地选购高质量大折扣的商品。论文主要介绍了城市在线团购网站在当今社会的发展态势,并讲述了团购的优点及其不足。同时也讲述了用户对于团购这一行为的态度和期望以及介绍了用户如何在团购网站进行购物。网站前台主要提供了注册、登录、用户资料管理、商品浏览、订购商品、购物车管理、订单处理等操作功能。后台功能也比较健全,管理员可以对用户信息、用户订单、支付方式、快递方式以及管理员自身信息进行管理。该论文对所需要的运行环境和环境的配置方法也做出了较全面的说明。本网站运用Visual Studio2005与SQL Server2000数据库来设计,使得城市在线团购网站功能丰富、人性化、美观以及安全,让用户使用时更为方便、智能。
The Design Of City Online Group Purchase Site Based On ASP.NET
As a form of e-commerce, online shopping has become today's mainstream consumption. Because of the low-cost and high-quality, group purchase as a new online shopping has quickly to seize the traditional online shopping market. It was adapted to today's society fast-paced life, so that customers can enjoy convenient and easy way to purchase high-quality discount goods. The paper introduces the city online group purchase site development trend in today's society, and it discusses about the advantages and disadvantages of the group purchase. It also introduces the attitudes and expectations of group purchasing from the feedback of customers and introduces user how to do shopping on the group purchase site. Website provides the registration, login, user data management, goods browse, order merchandise, shopping cart management, order processing and other operating functions. Back-office functions are relatively perfect. The administrator can manage user information, the user orders, payment, courier, as well as administrators of their own information management. The paper on the configuration of the operating environment and the environment need to make a more comprehensive explanation. This site use Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2000 database to design. It makes the city online group purchase site features rich, user-friendly, beautiful and safe, allowing users to use more convenient, intelligent.

Key words:
ASP.NET  SQL2000  city online group purchase site
目  录
摘要    i
Abstract    ii
引言    1
1.系统分析    1
1.1系统总体调查    1
1.2可行性分析    3
1.3角色分析    3
1.4需求分析    3
1.4.1前台运用部分    3
1.4.2后台管理部分    4
1.5数据流程    4
1.5.1数据流图    4
1.5.2数据字典    5
2.系统设计    8
2.1系统设计目标    8
2.2开发设计思想    8
2.3系统功能分析    9
2.3.1系统功能模块设计    9
2.3.2用户模块的功能    9
2.3.3管理员模块的功能    11
2.5数据库设计    12
2.5.1关系模型    12
2.5.2数据库概念结构设计    14
2.5.3数据库逻辑结构设计    15
3.系统实现    18
3.1开发工具    18
3.1.1前台开发工具的简介    18
3.1.2后台数据库简介    18
3.2数据库的实现    18
3.3系统功能实现    19
3.3.1系统操作流程图    19
3.3.2系统关键模块分析    20
3.4系统运行界面    22
4.系统测试    24
5.系统开发总结    25
参考文献    26
附    录    27
1.系统运行环境    27
2. 系统运行步骤    27
致    谢    28
