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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1636604 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1636604

【摘要】今天,随着高校招生规模的不断扩大,使越来越多的人们有机会接受高等教育,但同时也带来了如何保证教学质量的问题。如何在扩招的形式下,有效的保证教学质量,是各高校所面临的重要问题,“基于B/S模式的教学评估系统”就是在社会需要,人们需求的情况下应运而生。与应用传统的课堂教学评估方式相比,“基于B/S模式的教学评估系统”方便教务部门对任课教师进行教学评教,实现各项评教数据的管理,使得教务部在查询、整理、输入、输出等方面教会达到事半功倍的效果,同时,该系统也是对任课教师的教学质量进行检查,更加有效的督促了教师教学。学生还可以通过该系统实现网上评教,更加减轻教务老师的工作量。本毕业设计采用ASP.net+SQL Server 2005技术,实现评估数据库的使用,实现主要评估功能。
【关键词】网上评教;ASP.NET;SQL Server 2005

The designation and implementation of teaching evaluation system Based on B / S mode

Abstract:  Today, as college enrollment continues to expand, more and more people have access to higher education, but it also brings out the problem of how to ensure the quality of teaching. How to effectively guarantee the quality of teaching in the case of enrollment expanding is the important issue that  the university is facing, I have developed "Teaching evaluation system based on B / S mode ", which is needed by the community and people. Compared with the traditional classroom assessment methods,"Teaching evaluation system based on B / S mode" I designed is to facilitate the Department of Academic Affairs to manage the assessment data when teaching assessment, to make the academic dean achieve a multiplier effect in the query, organize, input and output and so on, meanwhile, the system is to check the quality of teachers and to effectively supervise the teachers’ teaching. Students can also do online teaching assessment through the system, and it reduces the workload of teachers pf the Senate. I use ASP.net plus SQL Server 2005 database to achieve the vision.
Keywords: Online Teaching Assessment  ASP.NET  SQL Server 2005

1  绪论    6
1.1项目研究背景    6
1.2国内外研究状况    6
2  开发工具简介    7
2.1 B/S结构简介    7
2.2 ASP.NET 2.0简介    8
2.3 SQL Server 2005 简介    8
3  评教算法介绍    8
4  系统需求分析    10
4.1 需求概述    10
4.2 系统业务流程分析    10
4.3 数据流图    12
4.4 数据字典    13
5  系统设计    15
5.1 系统功能结构图    15
5.3 系统数据库设计    20
6  系统实现    25
6.1 系统登录界面的实现    25
6.2 管理员权限的实现    25
6.3 评教模块的实现    29
6.4 查询评教结果模块的实现    30
6.5 留言板界面的实现    31
6.6修改密码的实现    32
6.7 更改评分题目实现    33
7 系统测试    33
7.1 测试目的    33
7.2 测试意义    34
7.3 测试方法    34
7.4 测试实施    35
8 系统特点    36
总结    37
参考文献    38
附       录    39
1.系统运行环境    39
2.系统操作步骤    39
致谢    40
