来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1637772 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1637772
摘 要:图像信息融合其中心思想是采用一种算法将工作不同波长范围,具有不同成像机理的图像传感器对同一个场景的多个成像信息融合成一个新图像,通过对多幅图 像间冗余的信息处理进而来增强图像的可靠性,是近年来研究的一个热点。本文首先简单介绍了图像信息融合研究现状及其应用;然后详细介绍图像信息融合的基本 流程及图像信息融合像素级、特征级和决策级图像信息融合三类图像信息融合层次,并重点介绍了多分辨率融合算法和加权平均融合算法这两种常用图像信息融合算 法;最后对图像信息融合的性能从主观和客观标准两方面进行评价分析。
Research on image fusion
Abstract:Using an algorithm to fuse a new image with different wavelength ranges, different imaging mechanism of the image sensor and a scene from multiple imaging information is the main idea of Image information fusion, enhancing the reliability of images through the image redundancy information processing is a hot study in recent years. Firstly, this paper briefly introduces the present situation of research and application of image information fusion; secondly, the basic process and image information fusion image fusion at pixel level, feature level and decision level fusion of image information of three kinds of image information fusion levels is introduced in detail, and focuses on the multi resolution algorithm and weighted average fusion algorithm for the two kinds of commonly used image information fusion algorithm; finally the image information fusion performance from subjective and objective standard two aspects is analyzed.
Key words:Image fusion; Performance evaluation; Fusion algorithm
图 像信息融合是将不同传感器或者相同传感器得到的多个图像根据某个算法进行综合处理,以得到一个新的"满足某种需求的新图像,是近年来研究的一个热点,在军 事、地质勘探和医疗等领域得到了广泛应用。在实际中,由于成像传感器的性能、成像时间和成像方位的不同,导致所采集的图像在清晰度和信息量等方面有较大差 异。不同领域研究人员感兴趣区域也有所不同,这就产生了如何从包含不同信息的多幅图 像中得到满意图像的问题,图像融合技术是解决这一问题的最佳途径。
