摘 要:良好的英语知识和熟练的英语技能,是造就较高层次专门人才所必备的条件。但是,目前很多大学生(包括研究生)的英语能力仍然停留在中学阶段不能自由听说读写的水平,其英语方面的弱势不可避免地会成为他们学习工作顺利发展的障碍。因此,专门针对大学生的英语学习软件亟待出现。Java的普及性及优越性使其成为很多英语学习软件的应用平台。在目前众多的Java英语学习软件中,专门针对大学生自主英语学习的系统却极少。基于这样的问题,本文设计实现了一个针对大学生的、基于Java的自主智能英语学习系统。学习者通过浏览器接口进行远程、异步的英语学习、交流讨论以及资源共享;管理员负责管理相关的英语学习资料、用户信息以及整个系统的安全。系统实现了网页前台的查询等基本功能,细分用户的各种权限,前台系统包含了用户注册和登录模块,通过鉴定是否为用户促进了用户的注册。实现前台用户管理系统,使得管理员能够对用户以及英语资源进行管理。更实现了系统后台的管理员管理系统,结合JavaScript人性化了界面操作,使得管理员能够更直观地进行管理。
Intelligent English Learning Systems Design and Implementation
Student:LIU Qing
Tutor: DAI Xiaopeng
(Oriental Science &Technology College of Hunan Agricultural University,Changsha 410128)
Abstract:Good knowledge of English and proficiency in English skills,higher level of expertise is creating the conditions necessary. However,there are many college students (including graduate students) of English is still at secondary school level can not be freely spoken and written, and its inevitable weakness of English in their study and work will become an obstacle to the smooth development. Therefore,specifically for students of English learning software urgently appear. Advantages of Java's popularity and make it a lot of English learning software application platform. A large number of Java in the current English learning software,specifically for the system of Autonomous very little English. Based on this problem,we designed and implemented one for college students,autonomous Java-based English learning system. Learners through a browser interface,remote,asynchronous learning English,communication and resource sharing discussions;administrator responsible for managing the relevant English-language learning materials,user information and the security of the entire system.System realizes the front page of the query and other basic functions, the various sub-user privileges, the reception system includes user registration and login module, whether through the identification of the user for the user's registration. Implement Front users to manage systems, allowing administrators to manage users and resources in English. Also realized the administrators system management background, combined with a user-friendly JavaScript interface operation, enables administrators to manage more intuitive.
Key words: Intelligent English;JAVA;JavaScript
4 前台设计
4.1 系统权限设计

目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
1 前言 2
2 系统设计 3
2.1 系统功能结构 3
2.2 开发环境 4
2.2.1 客户端 4
2.2.2 应用服务器端 4
2.2.3 数据库服务器端 4
2.3 设计语言 4
2.3.1 Java 4
2.3.2 JavaScript 5
2.3.3 Jsp 5
2.4 设计框架 6
2.4.1 Struts2 6
2.4.2 JDBC 6
2.2 设计模式 7
2.5.1 视图 7
2.5.2 模型 8
2.5.3 控制器 8
3 数据库设计 8
3.1 用户实体 8
3.2 单词实体 9
4 前台设计 10
4.1 系统权限设计 10
4.2 公共文件的设计 14
4.3 前台首页设计 14
4.4 前台页面设计 15
4.5 注册登录 16
5 后台模块设计 19
6 结论 19
参考文献 20
致谢 21