摘 要:随着各行业对计算能力及计算速度要求的增加,并行计算成为当今计算机科学中一个重要的研究领域。目前在并行性计算中,一个好的方法就是构造其对应的并行任务(DAG)图, 对并行任务图的分析, 任务调度和最终实现并行。本论文将分析MPI并行程序中存在的依赖关系, 并以DAG图为依据, 提出了由现有的串行程序进行任务分解、调度并且合并的方法。最后通过实例证明此方法的合理性。
MPI parallel applications DAG decomposition and merging
Abstract: With various industries for computing power and the requirements of the calculation speed increase, parallel computing for the computer science in an important area of research. At present in the parallel computing, a good method is construct the corresponding parallel task (DAG) figure, to parallel task graph analysis, the task scheduling and finally realize the parallel. This paper will be MPI parallel analysis of the programs are depends on the relationship, and to the DAG basis, proposed by the existing serial program task decomposition, scheduling and merge method. Finally, the practical application shows the rationality of this method.
Key words: MPI; parallel program; the DAG; the control dependence;

目 录
摘 要 1
关键词 1
1 前言 1
2、MPI的概述 2
2.1 什么是MPI(message passing interface) 2
2.2MPI的目的 3
2.3MPI编程结构框架 3
2.4MPI程序的执行步骤 4
3 并行程序DAG图的生成与实现 5
3.1 循环结构的依赖关系 5
3.2 循环结构任务DAG 图 6
4 并行程序任务的划分 7
5 具体实例分析 8
6 结束语 13
参考文献 13
致 谢 14